Guide to Correct Dress at Area 17 competitions 2025
Please find below a general list of guidelines on how Area 17 Branches should be dressed and turned out for the competition season in 2025 for dressage, Show Jumping and Eventing.
Note – this does not cover every eventuality and in any dispute the
Pony Club Saddlery and Dress rules apply
Beige or light jodhpurs/breeches.
(In some PC sports dark plain jodhpurs/ breeches are now allowed – please check rules for individual sports)
Tweed jacket with white collared shirt and PC tie or stock shirt and PC stock for eventing or Black/navy jacket with white collared shirt and PC tie or stock shirt and white/cream stock. The rules do allow any plain colour of jacket (so please do not be buying new jackets if yours is a different colour…) but plain dark colours are preferred in A17.
PC tagged riding hat OR EI 2025 tagged hat / Spurs Tag / Assessment Badge
Short boots and chaps or long riding boots OR Jods and short boots with clips
Spurs may be worn if members have attained a C Plus assessment or above
OR if members have obtained their spurs test
Spurs should be removed for prize givings please
Long Hair in hairnet with PC scrunchie OR long hair in a bun with hairnet over the top / short hair neat and tidy under the hat (no fringe showing). Long flopping pony tails are to be avoided.
Dark gloves to match the jacket (or white for dressage if desired).
Black, navy hat silk to match jacket.
(No pom poms, glitter, ears, logos or animal spots at Area or National Competitions. At branch events these are worn at the DC or rally organisers discretion).
We would prefer that long gel or acrylic nails are avoided if gloves are not worn. (NB. Please note that for Games competitors you will be eliminated for wearing them)
PC badge with appropriate felt essential for all competitions (apart from Games)
Skull Caps & Body protectors are compulsory for XC (check new 2024 rules)
PC skin OR PC sweatshirt for eventing XC and tetrathlon
Check that your whip is PC compliant
At some more local competitions PC sweatshirts and smart PC rally gear may be worn at discretion of organisers and DC’s
Spring Festival Qualifiers & Area Competitions – formal dress should be worn.
Jewellery – A Wristwatch, wedding ring and stock pin are permitted. With the Exception of medical bracelets, necklaces and bracelets must be removed to stop risk of injury. Piercings should be covered with tape or plaster and ideally removed.
Prize givings
Formal Dress should be worn for all prize givings unless more casual attire is allowed by the organisers.
Ponies/ Horses
Ponies must be healthy, clean and tidy with well fitting, clean tack.
Saddles should have girth guards. Reins used with martingales should have stoppers. Stirrups should be correctly fitted with 7mm (¼”) clearance on either side of the boot, and the stitching on the stirrup leather checked for safety.
For tack inspections please pay particular attention to cleaning bits, cleaning under saddle flaps, cleaning all parts of the bridle and martingale. Horses should not have stable stains and mud on display & hooves should be well shod or trimmed. Ponies feet should have hoof oil applied.
Horses should be plaited for all area, regional and national competitions. Plaiting at other competitions is at the discretion of the DC.
White numnahs should be worn, either plain or with your PC logo or any other PC related logo.
Please ensure the numnah is clean.
Tack inspections are routinely carried out at events and the organisers may prohibit participation in the event if they consider the tack to be inadequate or unsuitable.
Tack may be old and not particularly smart or branded, but it must be clean, well fitted and safe.
Horses should be sound and in good health. In the interests of safety and welfare competitors may be asked to withdraw if this is not the case.
General Appearance and conduct at PC and other competitions
Remember that you are representing your branch and Area 17
Good manners and courtesy are important. Please say thank you to all volunteers and competition officials. If you are at a PC event and you have a query or complaint you should approach your own DC and they will make representations to the organisers on your behalf. Do not bang on the door of the judges or scorers.
Please leave your trailer / lorry neat and tidy when you are not there. Rugs folded, no mess and everything stored neatly and safely. Do not leave your pony tied up outside unsupervised. And whatever you do… take your rubbish and poo home with you!
It is better to arrive early and be organised then everyone will have more fun.
Codes of Conduct
And finally,….
Do enjoy your 2025 season with Pony Club and we look forward to seeing you all out and about.
Link to PC Kit Supplier – click arrow below