Activities & Events

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We offer a wide variety of activities both ridden and non-ridden activities within our branch and would advise all our members to become familiar with the disciplines that are available to them. This page provides an overview of different types of activities to help you get started. We strongly encourage you to have a go or contact us for more information if you have any questions.


Rallies are the foundation of The Pony Club and a great place to start for beginners. Our rallies consist of small group lessons of ridden instruction and often a short session of stable management or similar. All led by our accredited coaches these sessions are designed to help improve a wide range of skills and abilities. Any member can attend from lead rein to 90cm+.

For more information please contact our rally organiser Sarah Wilson using the link below.

Ride & Achieve

Did you know there are over 100 achievement badges to be earnt with The Pony Club? Our ‘Ride and Achieve’ rallies include 1 hour of riding and 1 hour of stable management with a chance to earn an achievement badge! These rallies are aimed at our younger members (12yrs and under) and are the perfect mix of confidence building and fun with friends.

Please use the link below to find out more and book.


Dressage is all about learning to work with your horse and help them achieve greater suppleness, flexibility and obedience on the flat. Dressage is about knowing how to control your horse through the different paces from halt to walk, trot and canter, and how to steer in any given direction and is the foundation that enables a rider to excel in other disciplines.

Dressage rallies are suitable for all ages and abilities. Each year we aim to have members competing individually and as a team in our Area 3 and the Winter & Summer championships each year.


Show Jumping

Show Jumping rallies are regularly enjoyed both indoor & outdoor throughout the year, with separate groups for beginners and more experienced combinations aiming for teams. A range of instructors are used, including international riders. Show Jumping rallies can also include training on course building at home and striding.

There are numerous opportunities to ride on a team for the branch throughout the year and always look forward to having teams represent us at both Chatsworth and Bramham Horse Trials as well as Area in that hope we have members qualifying for the championships.