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The Bramham Moor Hunt Pony Club is based in North Yorkshire and was founded in 1940. We are a large, friendly and active branch of the Pony Club offering something for all ages.
We have nearly 100 members aged 2-25 and regularly organise rallies, events and competitions to help introduce our members to different equestrian sports like Dressage, Show Jumping, Eventing, Polocrosse, Tetrathlon and Endurance.
Our rallies are organised for different age groups, and we are lucky to have access to some fantastic coaches to help our riders improve and reach their full potential. We also hold seasonal events like Easter eggs hunts, stable management sessions, ride & achieve rallies and swim & run training for our tri / tetrathletes. We also coach our members through their pony club tests, teaching our members about stable management and pony care through our Pony Club badges programme.
We have had some brilliant success competing at regional Area qualifiers and National level each year, giving great experience to members who are looking for the opportunity to compete at a higher level.
Over the summer, we run two fantastic camps for both juniors (Under 10’s) and seniors (Over 11’s). These aim to give our members exposure to all disciplines available to them within The Pony Club.
If this sounds like fun, and you would like to find out more, please contact our Membership Secretary Hilary Freer via the Contact Us page, who can answer any questions you might have and explain how to join in the fun!

Dress Code for Rallies & Competitions


Please find to the left and image detailing expected standards when partaking in rallies & competition. The dress code is slightly less informal for rallies when Pony Club jumpers are permitted. For further and more detailed information please visit The Pony Club Handbook 2024.




We are extremely lucky to have the frequent support of some of local venues where we hold our rallies & training, please find links to our most frequent locations below. We thank all of those that support our branch by giving us their kind permission to use the facilities.