News | 14 April 2024

Albrighton Dry Tri Tet- Event Report by Richard Mulcaster 6th April 2024

It was a totally fabulous day down at the Albrighton Dry Tri at Ashwood Equestrian Centre, and our CHS Tet team were on fire with enthusiasm and results!  12 of our fantastic tetrathletes trouped off down to Albrighton country to kick off their Tet season with one of the nicest, friendliest, and most encouraging events out there.  Whilst it’s tough being able to achieve the full up heights within the age classes, Albrighton offer a lower novice height and also a non-riding class for every age group – Bravo to the Albrighton!

Team CHS totally rocked today!  Fantastic results, experiences and smiles all day and some valuable lessons learned, and really well done to all our competitors.  It gives me absolute pleasure to be able to say a HUGE well done to Polly who took 1st Place in the Intermediate Girls, not only that, but taking the Best Shoot medal in the process!  Its been a long time coming and Polly has remained steadfast in her support for CHS Tetrathlon from the U8 Beanies classes, right the way up to Intermediates; well done Polly, we are all very pleased for you.

In the Junior Girls, Sophie took 1st place and best run, and clear on her new ride, a great start for the season ahead.

In the Junior Novice Boys;- Harvey took 1st place, Best run, a truly impressive 5.30, and Best Shoot of 980, and the 8 was oh so close!  You needed a magnifying glass to confirm it wasn’t a 10 – next time Harvey!

In the Junior Novice Girls;- Super well done to Daisy, with great shoot and run scores, Joint Best shoot, and on a new pony partnership, took 1st Place in a tough group of 11 other competitors.

In the Minimus Girls, Eliza produced some good solid shoot and run scores, coupled with a clear ride to finish 2nd Place; Genevieve, also with fantastic shoot and run scores and a new pony partnership, finished a close 4th, and Bobbi hot on her heals in 5th, only 10 points in it. Amber K had an amazing shoot of 920, strong run and just a little mishap in the ride ended the day placed 7th. I’m so proud of our mini girls and their shooting with all of them scoring in the 900’s.

In the Minimus Novice Girls, a Huge well done to Lily-May, with another great shoot score, a decent run and a clear round on her new partnership (only 2 weeks!) to finish 2nd in a field of 10 Novice Mini girls, very well done indeed.

In the Highly competitive Tadpole Girls, Amber D, ran and rode her heart out, but had a little wobble in the shoot to finish 7th, well done, fabulous round ridden, and something to work on in the shoot – I know you can do it!

All in all, a brilliant day not only with great results for CHS, but lots of valuable lessons learned great fun had for all of our Tetrathlon Team.