Cheshire Hunt South Branch of the Pony Club- Team Selection Policy
Whenever it is necessary or appropriate for the Branch to enter a team or teams in any sport or activity, that team or those teams will be selected in accordance with the following policy:
All team selection will be done fairly, objectively and openly. Once those members wishing and eligible to be selected for the team in question have been identified, further selection will take into account a number of factors including:
1. Commitment – in all respects – to the Branch, to training and rallies, to the competition and to their fellow members;
2. Performance – both in previous Pony Club competitions, at rallies and in training.
3. Age – Where members are similar in the above criteria, then the older member(s) will be given priority – there will be other opportunities in the future where the younger ones will have their turn.
Where an Area team is also to be entered, then any/all those CHS members wishing to compete but who do not make Branch team selection will be put forward to join an Area team. Alternatively where a competition allows for individual competitors, those not making Team selection may compete as an individual should they so wish.
Our policy is not to “win at all costs”. Clearly we would like to win, but we also seek to reward the loyalty of those members who are actively supporting of and committed to the Branch and their fellow members.
This may sometimes mean that a member is disappointed. It is almost inevitable – but we hope this will not deter any members from striving to develop and put themselves forward for teams in the future. Their time will come.
Team selection will be carried out by the person best qualified for the task, who is able to be objective, does not have any conflict of interest in the outcome of the selection process, and where appropriate in conjunction with the DC and/or other Branch committee members.