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CFPC Training

We offer regular training sessions open to all riders from those on the lead rein right up to those regularly out competing (and everything in between). Our rallies cover a variety of disciplines, from polework to flatwork, show-jumping to cross country. We also host unmounted training in stable management, clipping and tours of local equestrian services (such as Liphook Equine Hospital). Our Christmas and Easter rallies are very popular with mounted games and an opportunity to have some fun with our ponies and friends.





Aimed at children aged under 12, these camps offer tuition by qualified instructors, lots of games, lots of fun and are a great way to spend time with all your Pony Club friends!

All levels of experience are welcome and rides will be split according to ability – jumping is not compulsory.

Camp lasts 3 days and is non-residential. Parents are required to drop off each day and we ask you to leave behind your trailer / lorry in order to provide somewhere for the children to store kit, tie up ponies and shelter in the case of rain. Children will need a healthy packed lunch, snacks and plenty of water.

Junior Camp 2024 will be held on 2-4 August 2024




Senior camp is aimed at members aged 12 years and over and is a 4 day residential camp with stabling provided! The nature of the camp means that the riders become more self-sufficient looking after their ponies.

There is a full team of qualified instructors, a cook, stable helpers, daily parent helpers and “Camp Mums” who stay over. Apart from these helpers, adults are banned!! Each instructor will take their group for two rides per day. There is also a stable management session daily, which enables Pony Club Tests to be taken if possible. There will be end of camp competitions on dressage and jumping together with the tidiest stable and tent! Great entertainment is provided during the evenings with a BBQ on the final night.

Lack of sleep is guaranteed!!

Senior Camp 2024 will be held on 2-4 August 2024


We hold several shows throughout the year.


Rally Terms and Conditions

Thank you for joining Chiddingfold Farmers Pony Club (CFPC) – we hope you and your child enjoy attending our rallies and events. Please note we are a registered charity and we are run by a committee of volunteers. CFPC heavily subsidises our rallies and as such, we think they represent great value for money where your children are benefitting from incredible instruction at a fraction of the price you would pay outside the pony club. As such, in return, we have the following rules which apply to all CFPC rallies. In booking a place at a CFPC rally or event, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions.

  1. Aside from extraordinary circumstances (such as an unwell child or pony or transport mechanical failure), we require at least 48 hours notice to cancel a booked rally. Cancellations and refunds are at the sole discretion of the CFPC committee.
  2. We regret that we are unable to provide refunds for cancelled rallies. Instead, credit can be transferred to a future rally or CFPC booking (at our sole discretion).
  3. Only the child and pony named on your registration form are permitted to attend the rally venue. This is for insurance purposes of the Pony Club and our venues. Other children and ponies attending the venue are not permitted.
  4. Late arrivals to rallies will be allowed to attend the rally at our sole discretion. No refunds will be permitted if we are unable to find a space at a later session due to late comers.
  5. Hats and equipment must follow the Pony Club rules and will be subject to spot checks on the day. Children and ponies are only permitted to participate in rallies or events if they comply with these rules. No refunds will be permitted if a member is asked to leave due to non-compliance with these rules.
  6. Individual sessions will be 30 minutes for individuals and 45 minutes – 1 hour for groups of two or more members.
  7. The committee will aim to group members based on similar ability. Our membership spans a wide range of abilities and it may be that we are only able to group your child with other members of slightly higher or lower ability.