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How To Join CFPC

If you are interested in joining the Chiddingfold Farmers branch of the Pony Club, please email Annette with any questions. You can register and join on the main Pony Club website.

Pony Club Membership Fees are : Non-riding member £36; riding member £80 and family memberships £200 (up to 5 members in the same household).


Pony Club Kit

Pony Club Kit for CFPC Rallies

Pony club t-shirt or sweatshirt (PC coat for wet weather) – can be purchased from GGGear
Plain navy, beige or white jodhpurs
Hair neat and if long in a hairnet
Clean pony and tack.

Pony Club Kit for Shows

Shirt, Jacket and PC tie – can be purchased from Pony Club merchandise
Chiddingfold Farmers base layer for hunter trials/XC – can be purchased from GGGear
Plain beige or white jodhpurs
Hair neat and tied back and in a hairnet
Clean pony, tack and boots

CFPC Merchandise

Chiddingfold Farmers merchandise is available at GGGear or second hand from Nicky Hemery. Pony Club Head Office has centralised some aspects of membership so general Pony Club merchandise (ie badges, ties, manuals) can be bought on the main Pony Club website.

Useful Pony Club rules to be aware of

Passports and vaccinations for pony club events

Booster vaccinations must be administered at a maximum of 12 months intervals however horses competing at Area level and above, including Grassroots Regional Championships and the final of the Spring Festival competitions, must have received a booster within the 6 months +21 days (but not within the 7 days) before arrival at the competition.

It is recommended that all ponies are vaccinated, regardless of whether they are competing regularly

Hats and body protectors

Please see the Pony Club pages on equipment safety (including hats and body protectors)

The Pony Club does not make the use of body protectors compulsory EXCEPT for all cross country riding and pony racing, whether it be training or competing. Please see the Pony Club website for further clarification on this. Please note the rules on body protectors are changing. From 1st January 2024 only body protectors that meet BETA 2018 Level 3 Standard (Black and Blue Label) are to be used.