Cotley Camp

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Camp 2024


Afternoon of 5th – 8Th August 2024

Toomer Farm, Templecombe, BA8 0PH

Camp forms are now live on Entrymaster, we have lots of exciting things planned

Don’t forget there is a prize for the best traybake and new for this year our best dressed hobby horse competition open to all

Summer Camp 2023

This year we went to a new venue – Heazle Riding Centre at Clayhidon, Memebers enjoyed 3 days of riding and camping including a bike ride to the pub!

Pony Club Camp was old school this year at Heazle Arena. Good old fashioned camping, BBQ’s and pony fun. Water fights, Tug of war and games kicked off the 3 night/3 day camp followed by BBQ cooked chicken wraps! Children slept in bell tents (they didn’t sleep much!) and breakfast was administered by the blurry overnight parents! Rides were grouped by ability and everyone at the end of camp could have been put into a higher ride if they had been starting again. The second night had a Rider Fitness class from our fitness expert, Mel Clarke, followed by Running (they weren’t tired enough) led by Philip Legg. Michael Legg then had all children race riding on his simulator racehorse which broke everyone! No one could race ride for two minutes! Full respect to jockeys! The third night, the children cycled to the Pub for supper and then back to the tents for more hilarity. Throughout the busy program, there were stable management sessions, tack cleaning, tack and turnout, feeding and grooming and tent inspections. Children were awarded points for their teams and the overall winners were announced at the
end of camp prize-giving. Our DC, Caroline Ford, was then able to thank some pretty exhausted helpers. Holly Rowe master-minded this hugely successful camp with help from Judith Legg, Lucinda Eames, Jayne Barlow, Sarah Corrin and Hally Legg. (The Camp Committee). Many thanks go to Chris and Jane Brake for making us feel welcome

Don’t take our word for it here’s what our members thought 

‘Cotley camp 2023 at Heazle was so much fun. The lessons were great and Jane our instructor was so nice and helpful. We got to do XC, gallops, outdoor and indoor jumping and games. Lucky also loved it and jumped her highest course of jumps. We got to stay in big teepee tents which fit loads of people so we could stay with all our friends. We got to ride our bike to the pub for dinner one night which was fun. Each evening we would play games or take part in rider fitness. We had the best time!’

Olivia 14

Camp Memories 


We will of course have our hotly contested baking competition again this year so get thinking of your
traybake recipes.

Camp Polo shirts will be order for all children included in the price

Here are some memories from 2022 camp