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Each Branch covers a geographical area and is organised using the Purposes and the Rules of The Pony Club.  Our branch is part of Area 11 which is the South Eastern Area.  Our Branch is led by our District Commissioner, Julia Martin,  helped by a Committee of people assigned to specific roles to support the running of the Branch. Please note every member of the Branch Committee is a volunteer, dedicating spare time to support every Member.

Here you will find the contact details for Committee Members able to help with enquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Julia Martin

District Commissioner
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Annie Allen

Assistant District Commissioner
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Angela Ellis

Pony Club Member for 70 years! Angela knows all there is to know about The PC.
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Toni Bovis

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Sue Nolan

Chief Instructor
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Melanie Kenny

Website Co-Ordinator
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Julia Martin and Annie Allen

Show Jumping Co-Ordinators
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Rachel Vans Agnew and Sue Nolan

Eventing Co-Ordinators
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Charlotte Epsom

Mini Rallies and Mini Badges Co-Ordinator
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Charlotte Young

Dressage Co-Ordinator
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Jenny Viner

Mounted Games
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June Seale

Tetrathlon Co-Ordinator