Rally Information

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Rally Information

Please remember to bring a hay net and water for your pony, plus warm rugs if the weather is cold, also a packed lunch for yourself, as well as note book and pen for doing stable management, plus membership cards for signing, test cards and your Manual of Horsemanship.

Parents are expected to stay with their children at rallies, unless prior arrangement has been made with another adult to be responsible for them, in which case the instructor should also be informed.

Turn Out for Rallies

At the start of all lessons there is a brief inspection of all riders and their mounts, carried out by the instructor. Marks are awarded for turnout and these are added up for the year, with a trophy being presented at the trophy evening.

To let you know what we are looking for in these inspections, there is a brief summary below. The main reasons for doing these checks is to ensure that both you and your pony are safely turned out, clean, tidy and with correctly fitted equipment.


Well groomed, no dried on dirt /mud or sweat patches. Feet picked out and hoof oil applied.


Pony club sweat shirt, polo shirt, clean plain coloured jodhpurs/breeches, beige or dark coloured gloves, hair net for the girls and NO jewellery including ear rings. Piercings must be covered. Clean boots, long or jodhpur boots with half chaps if desired- not muckers or similar. Riding hat in Navy or Black or navy or black hat cover, to PAS015 OR EN1384 standard.  New jade tags to be attached to all hats, when checked. Skull caps to be worn for cross country. Body protectors are recommended for jumping and a necessity for cross country riding.  A medical arm band,  (optional), can be purchased from Hayfield, Norvite or Pony Club HQ.


Clean workman like tack, which means it’s free from grease / sweat / mud. Supple tack that has had saddle soap applied. Clean bit. Tack fitting correctly- instructor can help with this. Clean numnah, if worn, and girth.

Rally Payment & Times

Rally and training bookings should be made on our page on clubentries.co.uk, and paid for at the same time. If you have to cancel within the last week before the rally, you will be liable for the cost of the rally, as instructors will have been booked already.

All day rallies generally start with a tack check at 10.15am and finish at 3.15pm.

Half day rallies start at 10.15 and finish at 1.15pm

Rides and times will be emailed to members and details put on Facebook. Please remember to arrive in good time.


Dinnet Estate, maps and directions on the Location page.