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The Duke of Buccleuch’s Pony Club was established in 1931 and is one of the oldest Pony Clubs in Britain. We are based in the South East of Scotland and within Area19.

We take members aged from 4 to 25 years and currently have 80 members. Our members range from those that want to have fun with other children and their ponies, to those that want to compete and take part in the wide range of teams we have competing at Area Level.

We organise rallies, competitions and badge rallies all year round. These are aimed at all ages and abilities and can encourage healthy competition amongst the children, as to who can collect the most badges on their sweatshirts!

We also offer training at all levels for Pony Club Tests which is a great way to learn about caring for your pony and improve your riding through an internationally recognised testing system.

Camps are held annually. The Junior Camp is aimed for Pony Club ages 10 and below and is a great way for the younger members to meet friends and socialise, as well as try new activities with their pony. Senior Camp is for Pony Club ages 11 and over and is residential along with their pony.

We welcome interested children and encourage parents to get involved which is also a great way to meet others! Please do not hesitate to contact our Branch Secretary, who would be more than happy to answer any membership queries: or have a look at our Contacts page for more contact details.

The Duke of Buccleuch’s Hunt Branch of The Pony Club