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What type of Membership does the Duke of Buccleuch’s Hunt Pony Club offer:


Ridden Membership

  • You’ll need access to a horse/pony.
  • You’ll need to be able to transport your horse/pony to local rallies/events.
  • Ability to take part in all activities that The Pony Club offers.

Non-Ridden Membership

  • For anyone who doesn’t have access to a pony and/or only wants to take part in non-ridden activities.
  • Take part in competitions such as Badge Rallies, The Pony Club Quiz, Winter Triathlon and Blue Cross Care.
  • We are looking to develop our non-ridden member opportunities – watch this space!


I want to become a member (Ridden and Non-Ridden Membership):

The Pony Club provides information on how to join the Pony Club. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Duke of Buccleuch’s Hunt Branch of the Pony Club please contact us and we will be happy to assist you with the process.

Next Steps:

  • Become a member of the Pony Club – once you have registered as a member of the Pony Club you will be given a Membership Number and allocated to our Branch.
    • Family Membership: The Pony Club also have a Family Membership which covers up to 5 Branch Riding Members of the same family. To access this membership you will need to complete this form and send a scanned copy to ‘’. If you require any assistance then please contact The Pony Club Membership Team on 02476 698300.
  • Register for an account with Horse Events to book rallies and events (you will need your Pony Club Membership Number to set yourself up on Horse Events).

Once you have completed these steps you are ready to get involved with all the activities we have to offer!

I want transfer to your Branch:

If you are interested in transferring to the Duke of Buccleuch’s Hunt Branch of the Pony Club please contact us and we will be happy to assist you with the process.


Code of Conduct: