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A Warm Welcome to New and Existing Members

This page contains various bits of information and is designed for new and existing Members.  If you have any queries, or in doubt about anything, please ask a Committee Member.

We will make contact with every new member to make sure that they understand how practices, rallies and other activities are run and who to contact. Any member can ring any of the Committee if they would like to – that is what we are here for!

Please keep an eye on this website and our Facebook page to ensure you stay up to date with EPC news and events.


Eridge Park

We are extremely fortunate to be able to hold some practices and competitions in the wonderful setting of Eridge Park, by kind permission of our patron, the Marquess of Abergavenny.
IMPORTANT – In order to meet conditions stipulated by the Eridge Park Estate, any horse entering Eridge Park must not have been fed GM feeds or supplements, or received avermectins (wormers) for a minimum of 48 hours prior to entering Eridge Park.
NO DOGS are allowed in the Park at any time, even if in a vehicle. 
Your entry to our practices and competitions indicates acceptance of these conditions.

Before your first Pony Club competition

It is VERY IMPORTANT to check the Pony Club rulebook for your chosen discipline before competing, especially the rules regarding the correct dress, tack and safety equipment, such as hats and body protectors. Additionally, all parents and children are advised to ensure they understand the ‘outside assistance rules’ to prevent unnecessary eliminations.

All the rulebooks for the various disciplines, including the hat and body protector rules, can be found on this link.  If you are unsure of anything, you can also contact the co-ordinator for your specific discipline (see contacts page) and ask their advice – much easier to do this in advance of the competition, rather than on the day, if you can.

Please see the main pony club rulebook page for specific information on the discipline your are competing in.

Rules for qualifying to represent this Branch at Interbranch events, either as an Individual, or in a Team

The Branch rule for the above is that you and your horse/pony must have attended three working rallies (July to July), one of which must be as a combination in the current calendar year, as well as attending training. To be invited to represent the Branch at Area level, the above rally qualification applies, in addition to showing a commitment through the year, by attending training sessions in the relevant disciplines organised by the Branch.

Area Teams:  If you wish to be considered for an Area team you must make sure you are available for the appropriate Championship – dates in the fixture card.

New members, new combinations and those aged 15 years and under:  It is a requirement of this Branch that, to enter a one day event or Tetrathlon whether it be run by our Branch or another, you should, in addition to fulfilling the rally requirement, have attended at least one cross country practice during the current calendar year on the pony you intend competing on. This cross country practice must have been organised by the Branch.


IMPORTANT – Help Always Required!

Because the Branch has such a full calendar of events and activities we need to rely on a great deal of help from parents.  For those parents who are ‘non-horsey’ please do not be put off by this – there are many varied tasks that do not involve close contact with horses!

Click here for more information for Pony Club parents.