Information for Essex and Suffolk Members

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We hope that your child really enjoys being part of the Essex and Suffolk Pony Club. We are a friendly bunch and will help out friends in need wherever possible so please do make sure you join our Facebook page and also ask to be added to the WhatsApp Members group for announcements, queries and ad hoc comments! If you do have any questions members of the committee will be more than happy to answer any of your queries (see the Contacts Page) but please do not ring before 8.00 a.m. or after 8.00 p.m.  There is also lots of information on the main Pony Club website


Helping Out

Parents – You will receive emails nearer the date of events asking for help. Please do not ignore these as it is impossible for the committee to set up, run and clear up after all the activities and events without your help. For many of the jobs, no experience is needed and in any case you will be fully briefed as to what is required.


Pony Club Rules and Policies

To keep everyone safe and uphold fair sportsmanship it is important to have Rules and Policies for competition and to support Official decision making.

A few of the highlights can be found here but please familiarise yourselves with the Rules and the Pony Club Policies.

Riding Hat Standards 2023

Please note that new standards have been introduced for 2023 and as such some old standards may not be up to Standard. Please double check. All hats must be tagged by your DC /Instructor with a PINK tag.

Body Protector Standards 2024

The Pony Club follows the British Equestrian Federation on its Standards for Body Protectors.  The use of body protectors is compulsory for all Cross Country riding, including Arena Eventing,and Pony Racing in both training or competing. From 1st January 2024 only body protectors that meet BETA 2018 Level 3 Standard (Black and Blue Label) are to be used.

The BETA 2009 Level 3 standard (purple label) IS NO LONGER COMPLIANT for those training or competing in the above activities. For the time being if the member is taking part in activities where the body protector is not mandated then PC rules would allow the 2009 version to still be used eg  just doing flatwork lessons or SJ rallies. It is highly recommended though that the new standard body protector is used in all cases.

Riders who choose to use the Woof Wear Body Cage EXO must lodge a key with the Event Organiser when they collect their number.

Air Jackets. The Pony Club follows the British Equestrian Federation on its Standards for Air Jackets.  If a rider chooses to wear an air jacket in Cross Country or Pony Racing, it must only be used in addition to a normal body protector which meets the current Body Protector Standards.

Full details of the rules concerning Body Protectors and Air Jackets can be found on the main Pony Club Website

Please check your body protectors.

Login into the Resource Hub to find out more.

Parents’ Information

Volunteers and Officials all work together to offer a wealth of opportunities to Members.

Your Role as a Parent

Parents play a vital role in their child’s Pony Club journey – from supporting and guiding their progress, to volunteering at local events. The following guidelines should be followed by parents/guardians:

  • be a positive role model for your child and other members
  • respect coaches, officials, volunteers, members and other parents
  • remember that the main aim of The Pony Club is to teach fairness over competitiveness
  • teach members to show sportsmanship, teamwork and supportiveness
  • use approriate conduct at all times, including on social media channels
  • promote the wellbeing of members and their ponies ahead of winning

Parents and Guardians also play a vital role, discover more in the Resource Hub.

Members Insurance

Every Member receives insurance cover from Howden Insurance Brokers Ltd, to protect Members whilst taking part in Pony Club and other equestrian activities. You will find information below about the insurance cover and it is strongly recommended that Parents, Guardians and Members review the information regarding the insurance policy provided.


Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and The Pony Club take Safeguarding very seriously. The Safeguarding Policy signposts a range of documents, provides guidance and key contacts to support those who may have concerns about a vulnerable child, young person or adult. The Branch Safeguarding Officer is available to discuss immediate concerns and you can visit the Resource Hub to find all the relevant documents.