Mini Members

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Coach: Lizzie Robinson

Our mini members are those aged nine years and under and are well catered for by the very experienced Lizzie Robinson.

As a child I was a member of the Cambridgeshire Hunt Pony Club, representing the branch in all disciplines to National level. I felt very privileged to be based, ride for and do my training with the Chief Instructor of the time, the late Liz Pickard, who was truly inspirational, before going on to coaching myself.

I have been a coach for various Pony Clubs for 54 years, the past 44 with the Fitzwilliam branch. For part of this time I also had the role of Chief Coach and taught all age groups. What a joy for me to see three generations all together again, just with different titles! Those who were members are now parents and parents now grandparents! The dinosaur is still there with the same tones roaring out!

My daughter was a Fitz member who represented the club to National level and currently is the Tri/Tet manager. One of my grandsons (shortly to be joined by his younger brother) is also enjoying life as a Fitz member.

My role within the branch now is Mini Coach, the best job which also gives me the licence never to grow up… I currently organise and run the Mini Hunter/Eventer Trial and am Chief Coach at Mini camp, planning and organising the riding side of camp. This I do with the most fantastic team of people around me, to whom I’m very grateful. I am a branch committee member and Mini badge and E test co-ordinator.

I absolutely adore and am passionate about our mini members and feel privileged to be the person who is starting them on their Pony Club journey. I have the brilliant Karen Gow to help me. I believe the key part of our role is to build the foundations of confidence, while providing the skills and knowledge required, before passing members on to the next stage.

At the heart of all we do it has to be FUN! To achieve this we have a full, varied programme throughout the year. There are both mounted and unmounted activities such as themed rallies, gymkhana, handy pony, rides with picnics/BBQs in different areas of our country, badge rallies, beach rides, as well as covering all three disciplines. In short, everything older members do, minis do on a smaller scale, usually combined with lots of laughter, noise, games, treats, and a bit of fancy dress thrown in! We like to compete as much as possible, always supporting and cheering each other on.

It’s also very important parents and members alike get to know each other – Pony Club is a fantastic place to make lifelong friends; my own family have made several over the years. I thank parents for not only the many miles you travel, the support you give, but also humouring me with the games I get you taking part in!

Happy Pony Clubbing!


There are lots of events that cater for the minis – specific information can be found on Horse Events and on the discipline pages on this website. The Fitzwilliam organises a mini ODE, a mini Hunter Trial and the minis are also catered for at the branch Show Jumping competition.


Details of all the training sessions can be found in the branch newsletter and entries should be made on the Horse Events website.