News | 12 April 2024
C+ Test Success- 12th April 2024
What an absolutely incredible set of assessment results have been given today.
100% of our C+ candidates have passed their full C+ test. All 13 of them! Well done Summer, Keira, Georgie, Rosie, Tilda, Emily, Milly, Martha, Isobel, Eliza, Anna, Bella and Natalie.
Well done to them all; the very hard work and effort that they have put in through the dark winter evenings has paid off. They all should be very pleased with the feedback they have received following their assessments today.
Thank you also to Sue Andersen who has diligently taken them all through the whole syllabus so that they know the content, and introduced them to assessment technique in what is a professionally recognised qualification now. We are all so grateful for all her hard work.
We must also thank Fiona Jones and Katie Bowden and the team at Barwick Equestrian for allowing us to have the assessment at their yard, and for preparing the yard and equipment for us.
Thank you to Toni and Jenny for assessing for us, with what was a long, but very rewarding day, and to Charlotte Kevern from our committee for being a general gopher for everyone who required anything this morning, and to committee member Jo Walkers for making sure that everyone was fed and watered.