News | 16 June 2024
North Cornwall Triathlon/ Tetrathlon 15th and 16th June 2024
5 of our super triathleets headed up to North Cornwall Pony Club tri/tetrathlon last weekend we headed to the dragon center for our shoot, run, swim having not been out for a while all had improvements across the board,
Sophie J 4th
Sophie M 5th
Rosie M 12th
Edward 3rd
Harriet 2nd
and team 8th for Sophie J, Rosie, Edward and Harriet.
Sunday saw our Team of 4 onto the tetrathlon held at Southcott XC the course was tough, horses and riders a little green after some time away but all came home with smiles 

Sophie J 4th
Rosie M 7th
Edward 3rd
Harriet 3rd, which left us in team 7th fantastic start to the season, onwards now to Area 15 & 16 Tetrathlon in a few weeks