Pony Club Uniform

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Gogerddan Pony Club branded clothing is available from Wainwrights, a pony club supplier.  The only compulsory items are those to be worn at rallies and when representing the club.  (Gogerddan PC sweatshirt, PC tie and PC badge) – see Rally Attire

Rally Attire

  • Hat, tagged by DC to show it conforms to Pony Club standards
  • Hat cover: black, brown or navy blue
  • Hats for cross-country riding (including Eventing, Tetrathlon, Horse Trials, tests and training) over fences 0.80m high and above; a jockey skull cap, with no fixed peak, must be worn.  It is also strongly recommended that a jockey skull cap is worn for cross country riding even over lower fences
  • Long hair tied up and secured in a hair net
  • No jewellery
  • White shirt and Pony Club tie
  • Pony Club badge with felt behind
  • Pony Club sweatshirt
  • Jodhpurs (white, beige, navy, black, brown)
  • Jodhpur boots with clips or chaps or long riding boots (No tassels on chaps)
  • Gloves-unless jumping and it is your preference not to wear gloves
  • Cross country: long sleeved shirt to go under body protectors
  • Body protectors remain optional for Pony Club members except when jumping cross country fences
  • Anyone wearing spurs must have a card signed by the DCs unless they hold the pony club B test & above


  • Well groomed
  • Clean, well fitted tack
  • Black/brown/navy or white numnahs (no motifs other than Gogerddan)
  • Plain brow bands
  • White or dark coloured bandages or boots
  • Stirrups must be the correct size to fit the riders boot