Branch Selection Policy for Area & National Competitions

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During the summer months there are special Pony Club (PC) competitions for all the principal

disciplines. These are called ‘AREA’ Competitions and involve individuals and teams competing

against other PC branches within Area 14.

Individuals and teams that are highly placed at AREAs, can qualify for: (1) The PONY CLUB NATIONAL


CHAMPIONSHIPS (previously called Grassroots). (4) ENDURANCE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS only.

All championship competitions are generally held in August. They are highly prestigious and are considered to be the peak of the competitive year for all PC members.

The standard at all of these competitions is high, so it is important that those representing the HPC are both well prepared and capable of achieving the standard.

It is also true that for jumping classes the Championship heights can be up to 10cm higher than the class description – ie 90 will be 90cm at AREAs but maybe 100cm.

For all AREA competitions HPC  commits to paying the 50% of all entry fees. HPA will pay 100% of the Championship entry fees and  one nights stabling should it be required. In addition HPC has in the past always paid for the team trainer to attend the AREA and CHAMPIONSHIP competitions. This is possible while our account balance is healthy. Our annual bill for Area entries is generally between £4,000 and £6,000.

HPCs ability to fund these entry fees is dependent on the club running a number of successful events during the year. Showjumping and Arena Eventing competitions and our Hunter Trial for example. All members are expected to help at these events to ensure that these funds are available. Any other fundraising suggestions will be welcomed.

In the last few years we have had a number of wasted entries (children the branch paid to enter AREAs, who did not then turn up), we have also had instances where combinations are not yet ready for the AREAs or are competing at a level for which they are not capable of success. As well as being costly these entries can be very dispiriting for the combinations, often affecting their progress and confidence.


Entry and Stabling Fees

Each individual will be required to pay their own entry fee for AREA and  CHAMPIONSHIP competitions and their stabling fee for CHAMPIONSHIPS. Once they have competed at the competition, their 50% of their AREA entry fee will be reimbursed. If they do not compete the entry and stabling fee will not be reimbursed. HPC does not reimburse entry fees for the qualifying competitions of the MINI or REGIONAL  CHAMPIONSHIPS organised by Area 15.

If anyone is unable to fund their entry in the first instance, the DC or Treasurer can be contacted in confidence to discuss other options).

HPC will only pay for the Team Trainer to attend AREA or CHAMPIONSHIP competitions if there is an HPC team competing.

The Selection Process

Selection will be undertaken by the District Commissioner (DC), the discipline coach and Discipline ONLY.

Whenever the HPC makes entries for AREA competitions, the individuals and team will be selected in accordance with the following policy:

  1. All team selection will be done as fairly and openly as possible. All members who can demonstrate a commitment to the branch and a desire to compete for the branch can put themselves forwards for selection.
  2. At the beginning of the selection phase, all HPC members will be invited to express their interest in representing their branch at Area Competitions. Please use the ‘Online Form’ that will be posted on the ‘Teams’ page of the HPC website.
  3. Please Note: The Pony Club Rules state that ‘The DC is required to certify that the competitor is a member of their branch at the closing date for entries and that they and their horse/pony are eligible to compete at the level they are entered for at the area competition. The DC must also be satisfied that each member entered is capable and competent enough to take part at the level at which they want to compete.
  4. Selection will take into account both the commitment of the individual and their performance in previous competitions, at rallies and in training.
  • You must be able to demonstrate evidence of regular competitions, at the appropriate level, on the horse / pony you are proposing to enter. Competitions can be affiliated, unaffiliated or Pony Club Competitions. Your results at these competitions can be used for evidence of your suitability to compete at AREA.
  • You must attend Team Training during the assessment phase and in preparation for AREAs.
  • Other selection criteria will include evidence that you are an active and committed member of the HPC and are involved in a wide range of PC activities including fund raising and volunteering at branch events.
  1. You must be available to compete at NATIONAL or REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS should you qualify. Please check the dates before you put yourself forward for the Area competition!
  2. If you are selected to represent HPC at any of these competitions, you are expected to stay, regardless of your results, for the prize giving. This is usually at the end of the day.
  3. All AREA and NATIONAL competitions require that your horse / pony has been vaccinated against influenza (Flu) correctly. Please familiarise yourself with the Pony Club Flu Vaccination policy that can be found on the home page of the HPC website.

We seek to manage expectations during the team selection process. Disappointment is inevitable; however, we hope that those who fail to meet the selection criteria will have a plan for how to achieve it the following year.


Updated: 24th March 2024                                       Approved By: The Branch Committee