Stable Management

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Achievement Badges

These cover a wide variety of individual topics related to horses and riding. There are three levels of badges

  • Mini Achievement Badges – these are aimed at younger members training up to D+ level. They are smaller than the other badges and have a purple border. They are an introduction to the topics covered in the Achievement badges and can be a fun addition to rallies.
  • Achievement Badges – these are aimed at junior members at D+ to C+ level. They have a navy blue border. When you have collected 21 of these badges you are awarded the Gold Achievement Badge.
  • Advanced Achievement Badges – these are for our senior members and cover topics required for C+ to A test. They have a gold border.


The Pony Club quiz is  an inclusive competition for our ridden and non-ridden Centre and Branch members. It provides a chance for members to test their equestrian knowledge in a fun and friendly team environment.

  • Mini Section- Teams of four- Ages to be 10 years and under on the 1st of January of competition year, with one member to be 8 years and under.
  • Junior/Senior Section- Teams of four- must have two junior members ( ages to be 13 years and under )  and then two of any age up to 25.
  • The competition comprises of a Mini and Junior/Senior competition. All teams can be made up with one member only who has also competed at another level in this year’s competition provided they are eligible. Complete teams may not compete at more than one level.

Horse & Pony Care

The competition features teams of three Members who demonstrate their knowledge and practical horsemanship skills taken from the Pony Club Efficiency Tests over a number of rounds.

There are three levels:

  • Minis: Questions to be based on the Care section of the E, D and easier parts of the D+ Test cards and Mini Horsemanship Achievement Badges. At the Championships a small number of questions will cover all of the D+ syllabus.
  • Juniors: Questions to be based on the Care section of the D, D+, C and easier parts of the C+ Test cards and Horsemanship Achievement Badges. At the Championships a small number of questions will cover Advances Achievement Badges and all of the C+ syllabus.
  • Seniors: Questions to be based on the Care section of the C+, B and AH Test cards. Questions at AH Test level should be used sparingly as not all Branches/Centres will have AH Test level competitors.

Teams compete at their Area Competition with the aim to qualify for the The Pony Club National Championships.

Art Competition

The theme for 2023/2024 is “Friendship and Adventure”. We invite you to use your imagination to create a piece of art that depicts the adventures you and your pony experience, whether you be on a hack or taking on a new challenge.

The deadline for entering the competition is 18th February 2024 – you can upload your entry online via the website linked below.