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Please pay for each individual rally separately, always using the rally reference number (it might be an idea to write the ref no in your diary when you put the rally in for ease of reference).  Please do NOT pay for a group of rallies in one go, it makes the job much more time consuming for the Treasurer.  Please remember the people who do these jobs do so on a voluntary basis around “proper” jobs so we must all play our part in doing as much as we can to make their job as easy as possible.  Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.

Please ensure you book in with the right person for each rally, it is done in an attempt to spread the work load. Rallies open 28 days before and close 14 days prior to the rally, please sign up in this window via the requested person on email.   

Please pay before the rally by BACS   Details are:- Account name – Middleton Hunt Pony Club;   Sort code- 09-01-51;    Account no.- 41255307,  then add the rally reference number.

Contacts for rallies





Rally details on Facebook Group HERE

Weekly Shooting Practice – Friday evenings with Simon Frost, please contact Claire Collins on 07772 076379 (phone or facebook only) to find out more and book in. £3.50 in cash on the night.

Wednesday 19th June 5pm – 7pm

Rally at Ivy Lea Farm, Rillington YO17 8NQ

Show Jumping for those preparing for the Junior Series 60cm and above.

Georgia Dukes teaching

Names to Emma:

Ref: 24R23 – £12

Saturday 22nd June

Junior Show at Kirkby Grange, Scagglethorpe


Friday 28th June 4.30pm onwards

Mini and Junior rally at Kirkby Grange, Scagglethorpe

Show Jumps will be out

Aunty Ann teaching

Names to Laura:

Ref: 24R24 – £10

Wednesday 3rd July 5pm – 7pm

Rally at Ivy Lea Farm, Rillington YO17 8NQ

Show Jumping for those preparing for the Junior Series 60cm and above.

Georgia Dukes teaching

Names to Emma:

Ref: 24R25 – £12

Friday 5th July

Extra Mini rally at Cornborough Manor

Auntie Ann teaching. 

Cost £10.    Ref: 24R30

Names to Trish before June 29th

Tuesday 16th July 5pm – 7pm

Rally at Westow Grange, Y060 7LU

Rally for those competing at the Area Horse Trials

Steph Robson teaching

Names to SJ:

Ref: 24R29 – £10

Wednesday 17th July 5pm – 7pm

Rally at Ivy Lea Farm, Rillington YO17 8NQ

Show Jumping for those preparing for the Junior Series 60cm and above.

Georgia Dukes teaching

Names to Emma:

Ref: 24R26 – £12

Saturday 20th July – Area Horse Trails


Monday 22nd to Wednesday 24th July – CAMP

Epworth Equestrian

Monday 29th to Wednesday 31st July – CAMP

Brigg View, Filey

Tuesday 22nd October 5pm – 8pm

Show Jumping Rally at Bishop Burton

Georgia Wood teaching

Details TBC

Sunday 27th October

Junior Series Show Jumping Final at Bishop Burton

More rallies will be added subject to instructors and venues