Mounted Games

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Oakley Hunt (West) have a had great success in the Mounted Games discipline over the history of the Prince Philip Cup competition run by the Pony Club since 1957

Our Branch have qualified as one of the Top 6 National Teams and competed at the Horse of the Year Show no less than 28 times. On 9 of these occasions triumphing in winning the prestigious Prince Phillip Cup.

Achieving such success takes a lot of hard work from all our volunteers, riders, ponies and parents, and we have a strong squad of trainers and riders ranging from 4 years of age to 15+



A sport designed to teach riders: team work, kindness, agility and resilience, mounted games is a fantastic way to introduce young children to sport, grow friendships through common interests and goals and helps with horsemanship that benefits other disciplines

Members who take part in games are expected to have and develop their basic riding skills as well as participating in games training. Basic riding skills are an essential pre-requisite to ensure safety and maximum fun.

Along with our training squads consisting of riders wanting to compete in Mounted Games competitions, we offer open sessions during the year catering and available to all our members.  Mounted Games is about flexibility and control, which is good for all ponies.

To understand more about Mounted Games, please take a look at the National Rule Book, found at the following linke main Pony Club website  This provides all the information you need about this sport, not only about how games are run, but also the tack that can be used (no spurs or whips allowed in this sport), along with how we consider pony welfare by limiting the size of riders in relation to the height ponies