Show Jumping

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Our Oakley West members practice show jumping at rallies arranged throughout the year.

Instructors help the rider and pony to establish a good partnership by developing courage, athleticism and precision when jumping fences. Once the member and pony have developed confidence they are encouraged to display their progress by taking part in show jumping competitions representing their Pony Club Branch at whichever level they are at.

Competitions start at 40cm progressing up to and including 1.10cm. Classes at 70cm and 80cm (known as PC70, PC70+ (for older children) and PC80) can be qualifying classes for Regional Championships.  Classes at 90cm, 100cm and 110cm (known as PC90, PC100 and PC110) can be qualifying classes for National Championships.



Our members, so far this year, have taken part in:-

Area 12 PC70, PC70+ and PC80 Regional Qualifiers – in which four members have qualified for the Regional Championships, held at Aston-le-Walls for the Regional Championships held on 25 August 2024.

Area 12 PC90, PC100 and PC110 National Qualifiers – upcoming on 22nd June. The JCB National Championships will be held at Offchurch, Bury on 13-15 August.

For upcoming competition dates, please see the calendar.

Your team manager for show jumping is Leky Warner –