About OBH North Pony Club

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OBH North Branch of the Pony Club is based in Sarratt, Hertfordshire and is one of the 21 branches in Area 12

The branch was established in 1959, we are a friendly and very active branch with over 80 members, whose ages range from 4 to 18. Some members are very competitive in our core disciplines of Dressage, Show Jumping, Eventing, Mounted Games and Tetrathlon, while others enjoy riding, looking after their ponies and the companionship that being in a club offers.

We run a wide range of activities throughout the year, which include camp, rallies, competitions, tests and achievement badges and socials. The branch is run by a group of volunteers who make up the committee. We offer a varied Programme of Events throughout the year, whatever your age and ability there is something you can get involved in.