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News 2024

May 2024


April 2024

A round up of April so far:

13th & 14th April:

A huge celebration for our mounted games teams today! They attended the Wylye Valley mounted games comp, they’ve spent weeks training with charlotte to get ready & learn the races, where it all paid off today, with our novice team, Ebony, Delanie, Jasper, Edward & Vivian winning the finals itl be the first time Portman will be put on the shield ⭐️
Our Junior team Ruby, Monroe, Lara & Belle came 2nd by only a few points they all rode fantastically! We are very proud of you & your ponies! Special mention & thanks to Charlotte who’s given up so much of her time to get the kids where they are today & also thank you so much to the wylye for putting on such a friendly informative event the kids (& parents) learnt so much! ☀️

14th April:

Some of our mini & junior members headed out for the Sandroyd & Wilton triathlon today, what a fab day they had, with our beanie team Alice L, Matilda, Evie & India coming 1st place with Alice coming individually 1st, Matilda 2nd, India 4th & Evie 7th, well done team minis! Lydia entered individually into the Tadpole team & came 1st place well done speedy legs!
But a special mention & well done to Alice H & Rosa H who entered in beanies & tadpoles for their first time ever competing in a triathlon, we love our members giving new things ago! Well done girls very proud of you all ⭐️⭐️

12th April:

The sun came out for our mini bandage & rug badge rally with Jacqui today, the minis had such fun whilst they learnt lots, well done minis 🙏☀️

6th April:

Huge congratulations to Chloe who attended the pony club race day at Ascot & won her race, one very proud pony club well done you!

4th April:

Some of our members headed to Watercombe Dogs to achieve their working dog badge today, they all had so much fun, even taking their own dogs to have ago, what a fab rally! Well done all & thank you to Watercombe Dogs for hosting

30th March (ok not technically April!)

The Sun made an appearance for our minis Easter Egg ride today, we headed off threw the fields which were surprisingly dry to hunt for our eggs with our “on foot Easter bunnies Ruby & Lara” to lead the way, under logs, over bridges & in bushes our minis found lots of chocolate treats, we then stopped for ago on the rope swing, before heading back for a picnic at the trailers & thank you to our fabulous instructor Emily Kendal 🐣

March 2024

Huge congratulations to Lily N who represented the Portman Pony Club at the Winter Triathlon Championships coming a superb 6th place, very well done Lily!

Some of our Portman Junior members had a triumphant day at Milborne St. Andrew Pony Club Race Day. Ruby T, Jack G and Chloe FP all came away with 2nd places and smiles on their faces! A great deal of work goes into keeping these ponies fit, this proves that all the hard work pays off! Well done to everyone who took part, we are very proud of you all.

February 2024

Some of our members competed at the RAC Saddle Club for the U25 showjumping on Wednesday 14th February, some very happy mini’s and juniors come away with qualifiers for the Bicton mini championships later in the year. 

Congratulations to Bonnie who came a super 1st place in the 40cm assisted, Jasper T 2nd place, Jax 3rd place and Vivian 4th place.

Monroe came 1st in the 40cm unassisted and a fabulous 3rd in the 50cm.

Fantastic results well down to all who took part.

January 2024

It was a delight to see so many Portman members representing our club at our own Inter-branch Triathlon at Leweson School on Sunday 21st January. We are very proud of all of our members who participated.

Our Beanie girls team of Alice L, Evie T, Matilda W and Eleanor H came a superb 2nd, narrowly missing first place by only 20 points. Alice L took an individual 1st place, Evie T 8th, Matilda W 9th and Eleanor H 13th- well done Beanie girls!

Huge congratulations to Jasper T who came 5th in the Beanie boys.

Our Tadpole girls team of Lara T, Lydia K, Claudia C came 5th with William L representing Portman Tadpole boys caming a fantastic individual 2nd.

Our Portman Mini girls team of Olive T, Tabitha C, Amelia H and Harriet H came a superb 6th amongst tough competition – well done team.

Moving on to our Juniors Lily N and Annabel T won the Junior section with Lily coming individual 2nd and Annabel individual 4th. Lovely to see such endeering team spirit on a blustery Sunday in January. Huge thanks go to the organisers and all involved.