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Pony Club Tests

The Pony Club encourages members to take tests. These are taken at recommended ages and are designed with certain objectives in mind.

You need to download and up to date syllabus for the tests from the pony club website. An optional E test is first followed by at D test for ages 9 or 10. This is then followed by D+, C C+ and B

Those taking tests need to learn both the riding and the stable management parts of the syllabus. Which test you have attained is shown by a small, colour felt behind the Pony Club badge on the riding coat. Before a member can take teh C test, they must have passed the Riding and Road Safety test.

E Standard

This test is an entirely voluntary option which Members may choose to take before attempting the ‘D’ Test. Pale Yellow felt behind Pony Club Badge.

D Standard

To have a basic understanding of ponies. To achieve confidence in handling and riding a pony. To improve and enjoy learning about ponies. To hold more Mini Achievement Badges – Bright yellow felt behind Pony Club Badge.

D+ Standard

To be working towards developing a balanced seat independent of the reins. As of January 2010, Members have to pass their D+ Test before taking their C Test – White felt behind Pony Club Badge.

C Standard

To understand the importance of, and to be working towards a secure correct balanced seat, independent of the reins. To understand why a correct seat is important. To apply simple aids correctly. To have a knowledge of the care and working of a pony off grass. To be in control of the pony on the roads and in the countryside. To have a proper regard for country lore – Green felt behind Pony Club Badge.

C+ Standard

To become an educated and practical rider. To ride over fences at all paces. To gain practical experience and knowledge of the care of a stabled pony and of a pony at grass. To be capable of riding a well-mannered pony out hunting and in all Pony Club activities. To ride intelligently and with due regard for others on the roads and in the country, and with a knowledge of pace, distance and discipline when riding alone and in groups. As of January 2010, Members have to pass their C+ Test before taking their B Test – Pink felt behind Pony Club Badge.

Road Rider Test

The Pony Club is a leader in the promotion of road safety. Members are taught the importance and the need for care and courtesy on the roads and coached and prepared for The Pony Club or British Horse Society’s Road Safety Test. The ‘Road Rider’ DVD and ‘Junior Road Rider’ book have been produced by The Pony Club and these can be had obtained from The Pony Club Office and are essential viewing and reading.

B Standard – Horse and Pony Care

To gain practical experience and knowledge of the care of a stabled horse/pony and of a horse/pony at grass. To look after these before, during and after the day’s hunting, eventing or endurance. Brown felt behind Pony Club Badge.

B Standard – Riding

To become an effective rider who knows the reasons for what he or she is doing. To know the Scales of Training. To understand the Scales provide a staircase of training suitable for all horses and ponies. To be able to maintain a horse’s way of going. To ride over fences at all paces. To be capable of riding a well-mannered horse or pony out hunting, in horse trials, or on a long distance ride. To ride intelligently and with due regard for others in the country, with a knowledge of pace, distance and discipline when riding alone and in groups. Red felt behind Pony Club Badge.

AH Test

The Pony Club ‘AH’ Test stands alone as the highest Test of horsemanship available in the Pony Club. It is recognized world-wide and is very much sought after. It is a pre-requisite for the ‘A’ Test Riding, replacing the Horsemastership section of that test.

A Test Riding

The Pony Club A Test is the highest Test within The Pony Club structure. It is recognized world wide and is very much sought after!