Rallies take place throughout the year. They are training sessions where small groups of riders work either on all round riding or on one specific area (show jumping (SJ), cross country (XC) and flatwork. Ponies need to be groomed and neatly turned out but do not need to be plaited. The dress code for rallies is outlined below. Organisers put children of similar age and ability in the same groups. Have patience if this is not always exactly what you would have hoped for, as it is a difficult, time-consuming task! Most rallies require a pony but for stable management rallies and achievement badges you don’t need to take one with you.
We are very proud of the reputation that Portman members have with visiting instructors. If you have any queries about a specific rally please contact the rally contact.
Mounted Rallies: Pony club T shirt and / or jumper, with comfortable jodhpurs, riding leggings or breeches. If you don’t have pony club kit or your child prefers not, then any comfortable safe T shirt or polo shirt with a sweatshirt is fine. Safe boots with a small heel.
Unmounted Rallies: Pony club polo / rugby shirt/ jumper with jodhpurs or jeans and jodhpur boots / boots / wellies . If ponies will be handled remember to bring strong footwear, gloves and a hat.
Safety: A hat must always be worn whilst mounted, it must conform to the minimum standards (see website) and have the BSI Kitemark and CE mark. Your hat needs to be checked and then tagged by the DC or a Committee Member. Ideally, hairnets are worn if your hair is long enough to reach your collar. Please, NO jewellery (including “sleepers”) except a wristwatch and a stock pin (over 16) or a tie clip.
Tack : In good repair, clean and well fitted. Suitable for the child and the pony.
Age Guide: Exceptions can be made – please speak with the rally contact if your child is outside the guide range
Non Attendance of Rallies: Please give as much notice as possible of non-attendance of rallies, at least 48 hrs where at all possible. Even at a very late stage it is important and courteous to advise the rally contact if you are unable to attend. This allows us to manage the rides, instructor/venue bookings and costs to everyone’s advantage. Late bookings are accommodated where possible. All Cancellations are liable for the rally fee. Credits are given for long term illness of horse/pony or rider (usually verified by a vet or doctor), regrettably not for a change of circumstances or plans, or short term illnesses.
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