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We are always delighted to welcome new members.

All Pony Club memberships and renewals should now be made via the Members’ Portal, or in the case of a Family, via the membership form sent to

INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS (those with less than 3 riding members in the same household). & NEW Members should use the Members’ Portal on the main PC website


If you have a family membership or want to add members to create a family membership please contact PCUK directly as they complete this.

Membership fees:

Non-riding member £37; riding member £86 and family memberships £200 (up to 5 members in the same household).

More Questions? 
If you have any further queries please contact us via our email branch 

We look forward to seeing you out and about soon.


Your membership fees go to Pony Club HQ and not the branch directly, but if you pay tax in the UK we encourage you to please complete the Gift Aid section of the form; it is a big help to us, as our branch receives some money back from Pony Club.  As a branch we currently charge no discretionary membership fees and this is a little additional income back to branch funds for everyone.


On the main Pony Club website  at  there are lots of activities and information for you to discover in the members online activities and resources pages (password is pony1929).  You can also renew your membership here in future years.

Any problems please contact our membership secretary Lindsay McIvor  07541 664588