Disciplines (Games, Dressage, SJ, XC & Tet)

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Click on the individual discipline on the left to see further information on each Pony Club discipline.


Full information on each discipline is available on the main Pony Club website – https://pcuk.org/sports/


Dressage is a great way to improve communication between ponies and riders.

At competitions it is about showing the judge that you can get your pony to do what you want him to do, when you want him to do it.  Rider and pony have to follow a set of instructions laid out in the dressage test – with tests for all level of rider, from Walk/Trot upwards.

A judge marks the test. They give you a mark out of ten for how well you carry out each instruction. At the end of the test the marks are added up and the winner is the horse and rider with the highest score.


Show Jumping is where a horse and rider combination are tested over a course of colourful obstacles, known as fences, which can be easily knocked down if they are hit. The goal is to complete the course in the fastest time without getting any faults.

Faults are gained when a fence is knocked down, the horse stops at a fence (refusal) or the horse runs around a fence (run out).

Show Jumping can take place both indoors and outdoors, so is perfect to enjoy all year round.

Intended to demonstrate the horse and rider’s courage, athletic ability, precision, speed and partnership, your aim is to jump a clear round. If you manage to jump clear, you will go through to the second stage which is called a “jump-off”. A jump-off is a shortened course which is timed. The winner is the horse and rider with the least faults and the fastest time in the jump-off.

There are various levels you can jump at and you can go on to compete as an individual or as part of a team.


Eventing is split into three phases – Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country.  It gives Pony Club Members a competition which needs courage, determination and all-round riding ability combined with the careful and systematic training of the horse. Riders gain a deeper understanding of the different sports open to them.

Its main aim is to encourage a higher standard of riding throughout The Pony Club and to give younger members a greater interest in riding as both a sport and as a recreational activity.


The Pony Club Quiz is a chance for members to test their equestrian knowledge in a fun and friendly team quiz against teams from other Branches and Centres from across the Area.  It’s great fun and you don’t need a pony.

From 2023 the Pony Club Quiz will be having an Mini section and a Junior/Senior section in teams of 4.

  • Mini Section – ages to be 10 years and under, with one member to be 8 years and under.
  • Junior/Senior Section – must have one member to be aged 14 years and under and two others of any age up to 25.

All ages will be taken from the 1st January of the competition year.

  • Mini questions to be based on the E, D and easier parts of the D+ Efficiency Tests and Mini Badges.
  • Junior/Senior questions to be based on the C, C+ and B Efficiency Tests and Achievement badges.
  • Questions will be based on the new syllabuses.
  • Format of questions will be mixed of activity rounds such as memory games/pictionary, guess what’s in the bag, question/answer rounds and many more!
  • Teams will move around the venue, each round will be on a different section of the quiz.



Mounted Games

Pony Club Games Training will Start again early 2022 watch this space

MOUNTED GAMES  is a great fun discipline within Pony Club that any member can become involved in on any pony. There are some rules on age of rider, you must not have reached your 15th birthday on the first on January in the current year. The pony must be over 4 years of age and under 147 cm.

New  is a pairs competition for those members 11-19 years old.

Your pony does not need experience in games. Most ponies are general all rounders, who are used for all disciplines – jumping, flatwork, dressage, polocrosse and at camp.

Games is a team sport and teams need to be four for some games five riders. There are lead rein, assisted, junior (under 11 on 1st January ) and senior sessions. Games is not all about speed, it is best when practised regularly and when riders become familiar and accurate with the equipment for each game. Games are designed to be fun, and most children’s balance and confidence improves greatly the more they do!

For more information please contact Katie Clarke on  07557 419799 or Kimberley Wallace on 07763 847530

Triathlon & Tetrathlon

Tetrathlon is a 4 phase competition, where members run, swim, ride and shoot.  Points are allocated for each phase and totalled to give a final score which dictates placings.  See below for a summary of the various classes in Tetrathlon.


Upcoming Triathlon / Tetrathlon events  2025

Booking for upcoming triathlons and tetrathlons are via the organising Pony Club’s website.  Don’t forget to comment on our Tetrathlon Whatsapp group if you are attending any.


5/1/25 – North Down – Blair Mayne Leisure Centre

26/1/25 – Mid Antrim – Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre (QUALIFIER)

tbc – Route – Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre

16/2/25 – Seskinore – Omagh Leisure Centre (QUALIFIER)

tbc – Iveagh – Armagh

30/3/25 – UK Tri Champs – Grantham

11/5/25 – Fermanagh – Dry Tet (no swimming) – Ash Hollow

tbc – Windsor

30/5 & 1/6/25 – Junior Regional Tet – Moreton Morrell

2&3/8/25 – Senior Regionals – venue tbc

tbc – IPC Junior & Senior Tet – Punchestown

tbc  – PC Champs – Offchurch Bury

Tetrathlon provides members with a challenging competition requiring sound practical horsemanship and general athletic ability.  It comprises four elements:

  • Running: Runners go off over a carefully measured course and each competitor’s time is measured. An optimum time is set for the course and for each second over or under that time a number of points are deducted from or added to 1,000 points. The length of the run varies, depending on the age group, from 500m to 3,000m.
  • Shooting: This phase uses any make of single shot 4.5mm calibre air pistol and Pony Club targets. Tadpole, Minimus and Juniors shoot at a distance of 7 metres from the target; Intermediate and Open at 10 metres.
  • Swimming: Competitors will score points according to how far they can swim in a certain time:
    • Open Boys – 4 minutes; Open Girls – 3 minutes
    • All Intermediate and Junior Competitors – 3 minutes; Minimus – 2 minutes; Tadpole – 2 minutes
    • Beanie – 2 minutes (can be lengths or breadths)
    • Competitors should swim in heats, the number in each heat depending on the width of the pool
  • Cross Country Riding: The riding phase usually takes place over fixed cross country fences, however Arena jumping can be used as a substitute. Where possible Tetrathlon Courses always include a gate to open and close while mounted, and a slip rail at which the competitor dismounts, takes down the rail, leads his pony/horse through, replaces the rail and remounts. Tetrathlon courses should test the ability of the rider rather than that of the pony.



(25 & under)

1m 10m turning target

One handed


4 minutes 3000m

(25 & under)

1m 10m turning target

One handed


3 minutes 1500m

(25 & under)

1m 10m turning target

One handed


3 minutes 2000m

(25 & under)

1m 10m turning target

One handed


3 minutes 1500m

(14 & under)



7m turning target

One handed

3 minutes 1500m

(11 & under)

80cm 7m turning target

Two handed

2 minutes 1000m

(9 & under)

60cm 7m static target

Two handed

2 minutes 1000m

(7 & under)

40cm Beanbag at target – minimum 3m throw 2 minutes 500m