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There are opportunities throughout the year to work towards badges and tests.

If you’d like more information on Tests and Badges, please go to the Pony Club website where there is extensive information on tests and badges.


As the Pony Club Test system is quite complicated we thought that it would be helpful to have a full explanation of the progression of Tests, together with minimum ages for each and the colour felt that this entitles you to wear under your Badge.

The Pony Club Training structure encourages Members to take Tests which enable them to learn progressively about horse and pony care and riding.  The Tests are designed with certain objectives in mind.

Tests must be taken in the correct order except for those marked optional.

For further information on what is required for any Test, please refer to the Pony Club website.

If you are interested in taking any Tests or need further information please contact our test and badges head (Contact Us)

E TEST (Optional) – Minimum age 4+ : Felt colour Pale Yellow

The Pony Club Road Rider Mini Achievement Badge

D TEST – Minimum age 8 : Felt colour Yellow

D+ TEST – Minimum age 10 : Felt colour White

The Pony Club Road Rider Achievement Badge

C TEST – Minimum age 11 : Felt colour Green

  • C TEST – RIDING: Felt Colour Grey
  • C TEST – HORSE & PONY CARE Felt Colour Meadow Green

C+ TEST – Minimum age 13 : Felt colour Pink

  • C+ TEST – RIDING: Felt Colour Burgundy
  • C+ TEST – HORSE & PONY CARE: Felt Colour Turquoise

(Riding and/or Horse & Pony Care)

The Pony Club Road Rider Test – Minimum age 12


The BHS Riding and Road Safety Test

B TEST – Minimum age 15: Felt colour Red

  • B TEST – RIDING: Felt colour Beige
  • B TEST – HORSE & PONY CARE: Felt colour Brown

COACHING CERTIFICATE (Optional) minimum age 18 (Full B Test required)

LUNGEING TEST – Minimum age 16 : Felt colour Light Blue

AH TEST – Minimum age 17 : Felt colour Orange or Salmon Pink if with Honours

B+ TEST – Minimum age 16 : Felt colour Pale Purple

A TEST – Minimum age 18 : Felt colour Blue or Purple if with Honours

N.B. *For D, C and B Efficiency Test certificates to be awarded members must have attained the relevant Road Rider Achievement Badge/Test

N.B. Members holding C+ Test (Horse & Pony Care) may progress to B Test (Horse & Pony Care), Lungeing and AH. To take B Test (Riding), Members must hold full C+ Test

N.B. Members holding B Test (Horse & Pony Care) may progress to Lungeing and AH. To take the A Test, Members must hold B Test (Riding and Horse & Pony Care)

N.B. B+ Test is a non compulsory riding test take after the Lunging Test and either before or after AH.  It is a stepping stone between B (full test) and A Test.