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ck on Thur 11 April

Please read before each rally and training session. This page provides times and other important information

Flatwork Training with Lindsey at Barstobrick on Thur 18 July

3.15 Anna (at Mains of Tynholm)

4pm MacKenzie S

4-30 Amy

5.15 Yvie

Flatwork Training with Lindsey at Barstobrick on Thur 27 June

Please can you bring money for the lights just in case it is needed

5pm Anna

5.30 Matilda

6pm MacKenzie S

6.30 Kelly

7pm Alexa

7.30 Amira

Working Rally at Gelston on Thurs 20 June with Justine and Debbie

Please remember to park in the cones as close together as possible. Otherwise we might struggle for space. Please don’t forget body protectors.

5.30pm with Justine – Eilidh, Annabelle, Jacob, Georgia

5.30 pm with Debbie – Bronagh , Daisy H,  Fern

6.30pm with Justine – Daisy W, Kristina, Anya, Isla G

6.30 with Debbie – Jessica, Isla Sp, Fern

Flatwork and Show Jumping training at Corra at Barstobrick on Thursday 13 June

The weather forecast is not looking good for tomorrow. We will make a decision on whether we go ahead at  around 2pm on the day and post up here or send out a text message.  IF we cancel at Corra we will go ahead with flatwork at Barstobrick


Dismounted at Gelson on 12 June with Justine and Sam

5.30 Amy, Kristina L, MacKenzie R, Daisy H, Bronagh, Daisy W, Fern, Lilly, Jacob and Jessica

XC Training at Gelston with Justine and Debbie on Thursday 6 June

For those going to the XC Training at Gelston can you park at the stables. There should be parking for 4 the format tonight means there is no more than 4 there at anyone time. For those of you who park at the woodshed normally that is fine too. We recommend you arrive a bit earlier than your time, tack up and head your way to the dressage arena in the field where you will find a plan of the course. Please read and try to remember. You can also warm up your pony in the dressage arena. Please look out for anyone on the course as you make your way up to the dressage arena and take care not to get in their way. Don’t forget your body protectors

4.15     Evie

4.45     Matilda

5.00     Angus

5.15     Anabelle

5.30     Anya

5.45     Tom

6.00     Daisy  H

6.15     Broangh

6.30     Kristina L

6.45     Jenna Y

7.00     Fern McMinn

7.15     Isla Spence

7.30     Jemma R

7.45     Sophie


XC Training with Sarah at Valleyfield on Tuesday 4 June

Please remember body protectors.  Arms should be covered but there is no other dress code.

5pm Heidi, Amira, Anna, Alex

6.30pm Oliver, Indie, Amira, Matilda


Flatwork with Rose at Barstobrick on Friday 31 May 

4pm Aria

4.30 McKenzie S

5,00 Cree

5.30 Amira

6.00 Mollie

6.30 Alexa

7.00 Kayla

7.30 Yvie (45mins)


Show Jumping Rally and Flatwork Training at Corra on Thur 30 May 

Show jumping with Kelly/Debbie

5.30 Eilidh, Georgia, MacKenzie

6.15 Annabelle, Milly, Rowan, Anya

7.15 Kristina, Jenna, Bronagh

Flatwork with Lindsey

5.30 Annabelle

5.50 Anya

6.10 Jenna

6.40 Kristina


Dismounted Rally at Gelston on Wed 29 May 

Please remember the one way system.  Go past the main entrance to Gelston Castle and take the next entrance at the lodge.  Follow the road round taking the left fork at the wood shed and that will take you down to the stables.  You can then leave via the main entrance

5-45 with Justine – Daisy W, Daisy H, Bronagh, MacKenzie R, Jessica, Jacob

Working Rally at Gelston with Justine and Debbie on 23 May


Parking will be in the XC field the same as last year. Justine will put out some red cones. Can trailers try and stay in that area and can the gate be kept closed.

5.15 pm with Justine – Fern

5.15pm with Debbie – Kristina

5.45 with Debbie – Annabelle, Lilly, Milly, Rowan, Anya

5.45 with Justine – Kristina, Fern, Jessica, Jenna, Matilda

6.45 with Debbie – Mackenzie, Georgia, Eilidh

6.45with JustIne – Tom, Jacob, Bronagh, Daisy

Flatwork Training with Lindsey at Barstobrick on 23 May

5pm Mckenzie S

5.30pm  Amy

6pm Cree

6.30pm Amira

7pm Alexa

7.30pm Yvie

8pm Beth

Working Rally at Gelston with Justine and Debbie on 16 May

Parking will be in the XC field the same as last year. Justine will put out some red cones. Can trailers try and stay in that area and can the gate be kept closed.

5pm – 5.40   with Debbie – Eilidh, Scarlett

5pm with Justine –   Jacob, Angus, Georgia

5.40pm with Debbie – Amira on Hero flatwork

6pm with Debbie – Matilda B,  Amira(Hero), Jessica, Fern

6.30pm with Justine – Anya, Millie, Fern, Annabelle

7pm with Debbie – Amira(Belle), Kristina (MiMi), Alex (Hottie)


Flatwork Training with Rose at Barstobrick on 16 May 

5.00   Yvie  

5.30    Mackenzie R

6.00    Isla Tat

6.30    Sophie

7.00    Amy

7.30    Kayla R

8.00    Alexa


Training with Sarah at Valleyfield on Thurs 9 May 

5.30 Oliver, Matilda (SJ Trine FA) 

6.15Anna, Alex, Amira (SJ Julia FA)

7.00 Kristina, Alexa, Kayla R, Isla Tat, Lucy (SJ & XC Trine FA)

Show Jumping Rally and Flatwork Training at Corra on Thur 9 May 

Show Jumping with Justine

4.15 Jessica, Kelly, Heidi, Evie

5.30 Annabelle, Rowan, Kristina, Jenna, Jemma,

6.30 Georgia, MacKenzie, Eilidh, Daisy, Bronagh,

7.30 Jemma, Amy, Fern, Isla Sp,

Flatwork with Rose 

5.30 Evie

6.00 Bronagh

6.20 Amy

6.40 Rowan

7.00 Kristina L

Flatwork with Lindsey

5.30 Heidi

6.00 Daisy

6.30 Annabelle

7.00 Jenna

Show Jumping Rally and Flatwork Training at Corra on 2 May 

Address is Corra Garages Fields, Kirkgunzeon, Dumfries DG2 8JR.  It is on the A711 from Dalbeattie to Dumfries.  You turn to the left just before the Granite Works/Worktops and the field is a few hundred yards up that road on the right.

Show Jumping with Marion

5pm                   Georgia, Eilidh, MacKenzie

5-45pm              Evie, Rowan, Marney, Milly, Anya

6-45pm              Aria, Heidi, Kayla R, Isla Tat

7-45pm              Kristina L, Jenna, Fern

8.30 finish

Flat Work with Lindsey

5pm                   Rowan

5.20pm              Marney

5.45pm              Mackenzie

6.15pm              Heidi

6.35pm              Jenna Y

7.05pm              Fern

7.35pm              Amy

8.05 Finish

Flat work with Debbie

5.30pm              Annabelle

6.15pm              Kayla R

6.50pm              Evie

7.10pm              Kristina L

7.40pm              Isla Tat

8.10pm              Isla Sp

8.30 Finish


Dismounted Rally at Gelston on Wed 1 May 

Please remember the one way system.  Go past the main entrance to Gelston Castle and take the next entrance at the lodge.  Follow the road round taking the left fork at the wood shed and that will take you down to the stables.  You can then leave via the main entrance

5.30 with Sam –  Aria, Anya, MacKenzie, Kristina L, Cree

6.00 – 7.30  with Justine and Joss – Indie, Kayla R, Fern, MacKenzie, Isla Tat, Jenna Y, Amy, Amira, Kalya L, Emily, Eva, Evie


Working Rally with Justine at Bastobrick on Thur 25 April

First aider in brackets

4.30 Tom, Georgia, MacKenzie (Anne)
5.30 Anya, Lilly, Milly, Marney, Rowan (Aileen, Sally)
6.30 Sophie, Kristina L, Fern. Amy (Mairi)

Show Jumping Rally with Marion at Barstobrick on 18 April 
4.30 Georgia, Matilda, Angus, MacKenzie, Amy
5.30 Evie Heidi, Marney Millie, Rowan, Anya
6.30 Aria, Sophie, Jemma, Kate, Kristina L
7.30 Kristina, Kelly, Matilda, Jessica, Fern, Yvie
Dismounted Rally with Justine at Gelson on 17 April 
5pm Fern, Jacob, Jessica, Amy Mackenzie and Aria.
Working Rally with Justine at Bastobrick on Thur 11 April

4.30 Tom, Kate, Georgia

5.30 Aria, Millie, Lilly, Rowan, Marney, Annabelle

6.30 Amy, Fern, Yvie, Jenna Y

Pony Care Dismounted Rally with Justine and Sam at Gelston Castle on Wed 10 April
The works are now finished so please remember the one way system.  Go past the main entrance to Gelston Castle and take the next entrance at the lodge.  Follow the road round taking the left fork at the wood shed and that will take you down to the stables.  You can then leave via the main entrance

5.30 — Anya, Lilly, Rowan ,Aria, Milly, Georgia, Daisy, Bronagh, Izzy , Jacob, MacKenzie

6.30 – KristinaC, Kelly , Jessica, Alexa , Kayla L, Amira, Amy, Kayla R, Isla S, Indie, Kristina L , Fern , Jenna Y , Sophie , Jemma, Isla Tat, Lucy, Annabelle

Pony Care Dismounted Rally with Justine and Sam at Gelston Castle on Wed 3 April
The works are now finished so please remember the one way system.  Go past the main entrance to Gelston Castle and take the next entrance at the lodge.  Follow the road round taking the left fork at the wood shed and that will take you down to the stables.  You can then leave via the main entrance
4.30  Izzy , Jacob, MacKenzie, Anya, Lilly, Rowan ,Aria, Milly,  Annabelle, Isla Tat, Lucy, Georgia, Daisy, Bronagh
5.30 Kristina L ,Fern, Amy , Jenna Y , Sophie , Jemma , Kayla R Isla Tat, Kristina, Kelly, Alexa, Kayla L, Amira, Isla S, Indie, Jessica

TREK Training with Sheila at Barstobrick on Wednesday 3 April

11am – Jenna Y, Kristina, Isla Tat

12 noon – Tom, MacKenzie R, Anya

1pm Makenzie S, Amy, Mollie, Megan

Working Hunter Rally with Kara at Barstobrick on Monday 1 April

Could those inthe first ride please help Sam and Kara with set-up and those in the last ride please help with putting away the jumps please.

2pm Jenna, Kate, Tom, Mollie

3pm Jessica, Jacob, MacKenzie

4pm Mille, Anya, Annabelle

Pony Care Dismounted Rally with Justine and Sam at Gelston Castle on Wed 27 March
The works are now finished so please remember the one way system.  Go past the main entrance to Gelston Castle and take the next entrance at the lodge.  Follow the road round taking the left fork at the wood shed and that will take you down to the stables.  You can then leave via the main entrance
4.30  Izzy , Jacob, MacKenzie, Anya, Lilly, Rowan ,Aria, Milly,  Annabelle, Isla Tat, Lucy, Georgia
5.30 Kristina L ,Fern, Amy , Jenna Y , Sophie , Jemma , Kayla R Isla Tat, Kristina, Kelly, Alexa, Kayla L, Amira, Isla S, Indie, Jessica

Flatwork Training with Lindsey Barstobrick on Tuesday 26 March in Arena 1

10.00 Kelly

10.45 Kristina

11.15 Fern

11.45 Jemma

12.15 Break

12-45 Kayla

13.15 Anna

Flatwork Training with Rose at Barstobrick on Monday 25 March in Arena 2 

10.00 Yvie (in Arena 1)

10.30 Alexa

11.00 Heidi

11.30 Fern

12.00 Sophie, Mollie, Jemma, Megan

Show Jumping Rally with Kelly at Barstobrick on Thursday 21 March

5pm Millie, Marney, Annabelle, Rowan, Aria

6pm Kristina L, Amy, Lilly, MacKenzie R

7pm Sophie, Kristina C, Fern , Jemma, Cree

8pm Matilda, Amira, Jasmine, Kristina C

Pony Care Rally at Gelston Castle with Justine and Sam on Wed 20 March

Please note you have to use the entrance at the lodge for arriving and leaving this week.  They are doing work on the main entrance.  Hopefully the staggered times will help.

This week we are focusing on Equine First Aid just in case anyone want to prepare.

5.00 — Anya, Lilly, Rowan ,Aria, Milly, Georgia

5.30 – Daisy, Bronagh, Izzy , Jacob, MacKenzie

6.00 – Kristina, Kelly , Jessica, Alexa , Kayla L Amira, Amy, Kayla R, Isla S, Indie

6-30 – Kristina L , Fern , Jenna Y , Sophie , Jemma, Isla Tat, Lucy, Annabelle