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Welcome to our Important Information page.

This page is for information which will help you as a parent or a member to find out more about how the Pony Club and this Branch work.

We shall put up links to the Parents’ Code of Conduct, the Members’ Code of Conduct and the Volunteers’ Code of Conduct.  These contain necessary information for you and your children.

Have a look at About the Pony Club on the main menu. You will find details about the Pony Club Insurance cover which is useful to you.  It is a very good and necessary public liability cover, and your premium is paid as part of your membership fee.

You will find links to information about hats, body protectors and tack on the FAQ page, where you can also find links to the Achievement Badges and Efficiency Tests pages.


There may be times when you need to pay us for something directly into the Branch bank account.  The details are below:

Branch:     HSBC

Account Name:  United Pack Pony Club

Sort Code:  40-17-23

Account No.  01013297