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There are several people who are vital to making our Pony Club run smoothly and we are very grateful to have them as part of our team. Read below to get to know them and their role in the Vale of York Pony Club.

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Christine Dalby

District Commissioner
You can contact Chris for any enquires you have.
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Barbara Lister

Branch Secretary
You can contact Barbara with any membership enquiries you have.
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Rachel Garrison

Rachel has been a part of our Pony Club since 2020. Rachel says that “there are lot’s of good memories to choose from” but her Favourite memory of our PC is the Super Teams competitions at Camp 2023 when members had to do all sorts of tasks and teamwork as it really showed the spirit of our Pony Club.
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Helen Lister

Training Tests and Competition
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Sue Blair

Safeguarding, Mounted Games, Junior Showjumping
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Llian Spinks

Health and Safety, Tetrathlon