News | 27 February 2025
Well done Imogen and Bisto!!
VWH member Imogen Goddard has just returned from the most amazing experience Shetland pony racing in Hong Kong. Imogen has kindly written about her experiences and they sound fantastic. Thank you Imogen.
Bisto the flying Shetland !!
When Mum and Dad first told me I had been selected to race in Hong Kong I was so excited, Mum was very clear there were a lot of health tests Bisto had to pass, so not to get too excited just in case, but he passed everything and headed up to Newmarket for quarantine on the 6th February.
We were all sponsored by Redmills horse feeds, so we had bagged all his feeds up to last him for the quarantine time along with a box with all his tack and my riding gear, it was very strange sending him off and saying ‘see you in Hong Kong’!
The ponies were loaded onto crates, each crate held 3 ponies and was pretty much enclosed so they couldn’t see and therefore didn’t panic. The crates were then driven on flat bed trailers to the aeroplane and then raised up to the wing height of the aircraft. They were then in a conveyor belt and moved along the tracks into position where the crates were locked in place. There was a vet that travelled on the flight with them along with grooms.
We were kept up to date with videos being sent to us throughout Bisto’s quarantine and journey to Hong Kong. I was nervous about him flying but he looked happy on all the videos we were sent so that was a big relief. We flew out on the 8th February and had a day in Hong Kong before the Shetlands arrived, so we could get our passes for the venue and get their stables ready.
The venue was very similar to the London ExCel and our hotel was right next door, we managed to squeeze in some sight-seeing which was good fun, Mum had downloaded a flight tracking app so we were regularly checking how Bisto’s flight was going, it felt so strange knowing my Shetland was on an aeroplane. When Bisto arrived I was so excited to see him and relieved that he had travelled so well, he bounced off the lorry full of energy and immediately had a vet check before we took him to his stable. The vets were happy with him so we settled him in to his stable and left him alone to get some rest after his long journey.
The following day we just walked him whenever we could, there were very strict rules as to when we were allowed to get the Shetlands out of their stables as we were not allowed to mix with the Hong Kong horses.
On the Wednesday we were able to give them a ride in the warm up arena and a walk around the main arena for familiarisation. I was really pleased with how settled he was but he did still feel a bit tired so I didn’t ride him for too long.
Thursday was dress rehearsal day and Bisto felt much more energetic, we did a full race as it was being filmed but we were told not to go too fast as it was just a rehearsal. Bisto felt great and really wanted to run fast so I had to keep a tight hold of him, I was so pleased that he really felt up for it and was very excited about getting going with racing the next day. FINALLY RACE DAY WAS HERE! Bisto had a good long walk out in the morning and at lunch time, as our race wasn’t until 7.25pm. Myself and all the Jockeys were really looking forward to getting out there, The atmosphere was electric and the crowd was so loud, the Shetlands really picked up on the atmosphere with the crowd and loud music.
Mum had Bisto tacked up and ready, Dad was leading me up and Bisto was bouncing his way around the arena as the commentator announced all the Jockeys. I don’t really get nervous just keen to get on and have fun and hopefully win. Each time we race we are sent down in a different order and I was at the back which can be a disadvantage but Bisto likes to run from the back so I was happy.
He ran really well but we couldn’t find any gaps to get a high placing, I thought never mind we have plenty of race yet and Bisto continued to improve over the next few races, improving where we placed each time.
I was loving every second of being in Hong Kong with such an amazing crowd! We were so lucky whilst in Hong Kong, we had the opportunity to visit Sha tin race course and Happy Valley race course. Children aren’t allowed to attend racing in Hong Kong, so we were very honoured to be allowed to go a watch some barrier trials, but it meant a very early 5am alarm call. We weren’t allowed to have been near our Shetlands before attending, so Mum stayed behind to look after Bisto and Dad and I headed off with the other Shetland riders.
It was absolutely amazing to be on the race course and we were so lucky that all the Jockeys came out to meet us and talk to us about their careers and their lives in Hong Kong. We were given signed caps and they also gave us their racing goggles they had been using that morning. I returned back to the AsiaWorld-expo keen to race again and improve on our performances so far. In between races we had to do some interviews and go on stage in the live zone to be interviewed in front of a crowd – that’s the only bit I get nervous about but everyone was really friendly ! The word had got out with the locals that these tiny little ponies were fun to watch and the stands were absolutely packed. Everyone had their phones out filming and were cheering us on, it was so loud and Bisto ran superbly.
We finished 3rd in our penultimate race, so far we had place 6th,5th, 4th and now 3rd so I was really determined to get a win in my last race. I had been given a better starting position and was determined this was going to be our race (the trouble is so were the other jockeys). We headed down to start and Bisto felt great, the starter let us go and Bisto flew and we were in joint first place, I rode for my life and Bisto was amazing but we finished the race in second place – annoying but he ran so well and we had improved on every race, so I was over the moon with him.
And just like that our racing was finished! That evening we stayed at the show for a while and it was crazy, people were asking me for my autograph so I had to make one up quickly. The local children just absolutely loved the Shetlands so I definitely think the Shetland team will be invited back and I really hope I get to go again Then it was time to send the ponies home, Mum had to be at the stables for 4am to load him the following morning(luckily she let me sleep, although I did tell her to wake me). This time Bisto flew before us and headed back to Newmarket where, upon our return we headed up to collect him, it was again a relief to see him so happy and settled, they were looked after so well throughout their journey to and from Hong Kong. Bisto is now having a well-earned few weeks off before we get going again ready for the trials day on the 12th April and hopefully a really fun year ahead !
SPGN is a charity fundraiser raising money for the Bob Champion Cancer trust, it takes a lot of commitment but I love racing and I love my Shetland so to be able to do what I love whilst raising money for charity is a ‘win-win’.
You just need to warn your parents they won’t have any free weekends and they will definitely be travelling some serious millage!!