News | 23 March 2024

February….and into Spring!

In February, members represented our branch at the Barrier Health Spring Festival in Arena Eventing, and did us proud! Well done Daisy and Lily.


We sent a number of teams to the inter branch showjumping competition kindly run by the Thetford Chase branch, and had a spectacular day, with several team wins, an individual win, and a host of team and individual placings. A long but fun day, well run and very much enjoyed.

Lead Rein rallies are proving very popular with our smallest members, where they have enjoyed earning Mini Achievement Badges and beginning to learn mounted games skills.


Next up we turn our attentions to preparing our teams for the Area Mounted Games, the national Spring Challenge for Polocrosse, and to an Easter Egg Hunt with a chance to meet the Hounds at the local kennels.