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Each Branch covers a geographical area and is organised using the Purposes and the Rules of The Pony Club. Every Branch is led by a District Commissioner helped by a Committee of people assigned to specific roles to support the running of the Branch. Please note every member of the Branch Committee is a volunteer, dedicating spare time to support every Member.

Here you will find the contact details for Committee Members able to help with enquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Health and Safety Officer: TBC
Safeguarding: Susan Dancer
Chief Instructor: Fran Penn

General Committee
Annabel Duncan:07504 610185
Claire Belcher: 07961 392611
Faye Fox: 07921 180296
Fran Penn:07792 649450
Janet Wakeham: 01789 740260
Kiri Brookes: 07921 774319
Stephen Gray: 07771 901881
Tiffany Orton: 07887 925587

President: Olympia Allen

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Susan Dancer

District Commissioner
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Richard Wakeham

Assistant DC
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Kirsty Charles
