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The Triathlon and Tetrathlon are exciting competitions for all Pony Club members and although you need to be 8 years old to take part in the shooting, there is always the Beanie class for the very young members. 
The Tetrathlon consists of 4 phases and usually run from March – October:

1. Shooting/Bean bag throw; 2. Swimming; 3. Running; 4. Cross Country Riding/Arena Eventing.  Phase 4 can be left out, if competitors want to compete in the Triathlon 1,2 and 3 phases.

Triathlons run during the autumn/winter months at various Area 15/16 venues.
Classes are split into age groups, age as on 1 January 2025
Beanies – 7 years and under – Bean bag throw, 500m run, 2 mins swim
Tadpoles – 9 years and under  – Shoot 7m static targets, 2 handed, run 1000m, swim 2 mins
Minimus Boys and Minimus Girls – 11 years and under – shoot 7m turning targets, two handed, run 1000m, swim 2 mins
Junior Boys and Junior Girls – 14 years and under – shoot 7m turning targets, one handed, run 1500m, swim 3 mins.
Open Boys  – 25 years and under –  shoot 10m turning targets, one handed, run 3000m, swim 4 mins
Open Girls – 25 years and under – shoot 10m, turning targets, one handed, run 1500m, swim 3 mins

The Western PC trains all year at the Heamoor Gun Club (which has a proper range) 
Training starts in September and carries on once a week on Tuesday, until March, and then monthly. We have a selection of pistols for use at the club and for competitions.  We will also compete in the Winter Postal Shoots and hoping to send a team to the schools regional qualifiers in November in Dorset. 

Western triathletes also have swim training at PZLC on a Friday evening once a month.

Cross country training starts again  in February/March depending on ground.  Arena eventing in January.

Our local Western Triathlon was held at Carn Brea on Saturday 15 February, and the Four Burrow hold a Tet in September at Trebadunnon. All dates can be found on the Area 16 website.

Would you like to get involved? Contact Tet / Tri Coordinator Christina Carson if you would like to find out more or can come along on a Tuesday for a tester session. There is no obligation to compete but are very welcome to train with us. Triathlons are also great for children, siblings, who don’t ride but would like to be part of the pony club.