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Day and Residential Camp are the highlight of our year. The children have great fun and we would encourage every member, no matter what their level, to join us at whichever camp will suit them, lots of members attend both! 

Daily Camp 2024

Wed 29th to Fri 31st May 2024 at Urchinwood Manor, Congresbury. 

Cost £125

To reserve your place(s) for day camp please look out for the listing on Entrymaster or use the link from the bookings page (Bookings » Weston Harriers (  Payment will not be requested via the website, instead we ask for deposits of £25 per rider to be paid direct into our bank account on receipt of the booking confirmation.

Residential Camp 2024

8am Tues 27th to lunchtime Thurs 29th August  2024 at Stockland Lovell, Bridgwater.

Cost – £295

Residential camp is open to children aged 10 and above with the DC’s consent.

Residential camp requires both the member and pony/horse staying away at a great venue for two nights this year. It is a fantastic opportunity for them to show their independent skills in caring for their pony/horse (with supervision and/or assistance), receive great teaching from experienced instructors and have fun staying in cabins with their friends.

If you would like your child to attend and they have either not been before, or are riding a new pony/horse since last year, please approach the DC to apply for a place before committing to paying the deposit. 

To reserve your place(s) for resi camp please look out for the listing on Entrymaster or use the link from the bookings page (Bookings » Weston Harriers (  Payment will not be requested via the website, instead we ask for deposits of £50 per rider to be paid direct into our bank account on receipt of the confirmation email. 

Once you have booked, please read all the information on the links below, download and fill in the medical and vet forms and bring with your child and your pony/horse passport to the pre-camp meeting (date TBC). 

Medical Consent Form: (link to follow)

Veterinary Form: (link to follow)

Information and Equipment list: (link to follow)

**Please check vaccinations are in date ready for camp and remember to bring your horse passports with you – for residential camp these need to be handed to the DC on arrival and are kept for the duration of the camp at the request of the venue**

The bank details for both camps are:

Weston Harriers Pony Club – Lloyds Bank

Sort code: 30-91-84 

Account No: 00922993

Reference: Member’s Initial & Surname and which camp booked e.g. A.Member Day Camp