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Correct Dress for mounted events:

Hats (preferably Black or Navy Blue cover) to be tagged by DC or authorised committee member to show they conform to the recently updated PC standards. No fixed peak for XC. Hairnets are encouraged be worn with long hair even if tied up in plaits or pony tail. Please see the PC hat rules here:

Correct dress is long sleeved white shirts with pony club tie* or stock, OR a branch polo-shirt only (no other branded kit please) with a tweed hacking jacket or pony club sweatshirt*. Hooded tops or jackets are not permitted. Your Pony Club badge may be worn on hacking jackets with your efficiency test felt colour underneath if you have one. Waterproof jackets without hoods may be worn in wet weather. Jodhpurs – preferred colours are cream or beige, though navy or black may be worn in winter and for informal rallies or XC. Plain black or brown riding boots please, either jodhpur boots with matching half-chaps OR long riding boots, clean, without tassels/decoration. No jewellery or electronic devices such as smart watches or Fit-Bits etc are to be worn.

For Cross Country long sleeved shirts must be worn under body protectors and Medical Armbands must be worn for XC and at other times if requested by branch. Spurs may only be worn with the permission of the DC. Body protectors are only compulsory for XC & Arena Eventing, but must conform to the new PC standards:  2024-Body-Protector-Rule (to be added soon)

Correct Dress for unmounted rallies

We encourage the wearing of dark jodhpurs, polo-shirts and branch sweatshirts for unmounted rallies wherever possible please rather than home clothes, including a riding hat for some stable management and appropriate sturdy footwear – preferably riding boots – wellies will be permitted if raining. Please bring your Manual of Horsemanship* (*PC Sweatshirts, ties and Manual of Horsemanship are available to buy from the DC and Treasurer. Manuals may be bought online but please check it is the newest version. Used book stores sometimes have copies in very good condition)

Correct Tack & Equipment for your Ponies/Horses

Tack should be clean, in good repair, properly fitted and fit for purpose – please pay particular attention to reins, girths and stirrup leathers (please note ‘humane’ girths are prohibited). Stirrups should be of the correct size to suit the rider’s boots. They must have 7mm (¼”) clearance either side of the boot and safety irons are recommended, however interlocking tread irons & boots are not allowed. Numnahs should be plain please, preferred colours are navy, brown, black or white. Please do not use bright matchy-matchy sets for pony club. Please be aware we have noticed that some brands of synthetic numnahs seem to move position during use; cotton, cotton-mix or woollen may be preferable if you find this happens. 

For all Pony Club competitions the dress and safety items rules are available from PC HQ online for each discipline.