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Rally Programme

Rallies explained

Working Rally – during this rally children will work in a small group of members at a similar level of age with a Branch instructor.  They will be able to have time to work on their skills as a rider on the flat (dressage) and over fences.  Instructors will also intorduce members to aspects of theory to help members develop as riders.

Day Rally – this is a rally when members spend a day (10am – 3pm) with a small group at a similar standard to experience a day of activities with a Branch Instructor.  This will include dressage, show jumping and cross country.  We will often try to include some horse and pony care to help members take care of their own ponies.

Stable Management Rally/Achievement Badge Rally – Stable management rallies are put on to help members learn how to take care of their ponies.  There set curriculums and learning for members at different stages they go from E to A Test.  The Achievement badge rallies support the learning for tests.  Badges are achieved by members when they attend a rally to learn about a specific badge.  There are large achievement badges for older members and mini achievement badges for members 8 years and under. NO PONIES ARE NEEDED AT THIS RALLY.

Show jumping Rally – members will be instructed over fences and this will include a course of fences.

Cross country Rally – members will be instructed over wooden fences in open fields.

Dressage/Flatwork Rally – member will be instructed in how improve their ponies way of going on in an arena.  Working on the walk, trot and canter and more advance moves with older members.

Fun/Farm Ride – this is a chance for our members to ride out in the open across fields and bridle paths.


Up coming rallies and events 
Saturday 8th March Rally at the RDA 1.30-3.30
Saturday 22nd March Rally at the RDA 1.30-3.30
Saturday 29th March Winter League Team and Individual Show Jumping Competition at SRC – poles on floor to 1m
Saturday 6th April Rally at the RDA 1.30-3.30
Thursday 17th April Winter League Team and Individual Show Jumping Competition and finals at SRC – poles on floor to 1m
Saturday 19th April Rally at the RDA 1.30-3.30
To enter rallies please go to
For the Barrier animal health spring festival entries go to