What to wear at Rallies

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If you are not sure what to wear at rallies?  Then look no further…


The Wokingham Pony Club branded clothing online shop can be found here: https://teamrider.co.uk/product-category/wokingham-pony-club/ .


Below we have listed all the clothing and equipment both you and your pony needs to wear for different types of rallies and the reasons for it.

Important Reminder – if you have long hair it should be plaited and tidy, and preferably secured in a hairnet for all ridden activities.

Pony Club Hat Tags and Back Protectors – You can find all the details for the Pony Club Hat and Body Protector rules in the Resource Hub which is is under https://branches.pcuk.org/wokingham/useful-information/.   NOTE it is your responsibility to check you adhere to the rules and may be turned away from activities or competitions if you are not correctly attired.  All rulebooks can be found can also be found in the Resource Hub.

Why do we need to consider Tack and Turnout?

SAFETY For the safety of all concerned, tack is always inspected by Instructors at the start of each ridden Rally. Badly fitting or incorrectly adjusted tack may be hazardous to either the pony or rider or indeed to others.  Loose stitching is NOT accepted and you will not be allowed to ride. Please ensure your tack fits, is clean and is in good condition.

COURTESY It is polite and respectful to come to Rallies in well-fitting tack that is clean, on a well groomed pony!

PRIZES – There are points awarded for your turn out at each Rally! A cup is given at the end of each year to the person in each age group with the highest score!


What to wear for Training Rallies and Fun Activities (such as Superstars) and Working Rallies when you are not taking a test.



  • Hard Hat – see above for specifications. Hat Silks – should be black or dark blue
  • Boots – see above
  • Gloves
  • Wokingham Pony Club Sweatshirt or Polo Shirt
  • Jodhpurs – plain jods or breeches in light or dark colour
  • Hair – as above
  • Chaps – optional
  • Optional – body protectors if desired


  • Tack – Clean, well-fitting tack on a well groomed Pony.  Please ensure all your stitching is in good order on your bridle and saddle, but particularly on reins, girths, girth straps and stirrup leathers


What to wear for Pony Club Tests (E-D Tests only)

You and your pony should be turned out as if to attend a working rally (see below).

Those taking their E & D Test may wear their Wokingham PC Polo shirt and Sweatshirt and dressed as per a training rally.

What to wear at Cross-Country Rallies


  • Hard Hat – see above for specifications. Hat must not have a fixed peak.
  • Hat silk should be WPC Blue & Gold for all XC training or Black or Navy
  • Body Protector – Body protectors are compulsory for all Cross Country riding whether it be training or competing.  If a Body protector is  worn for any Pony Club activity it must meet BETA 2018 Level 3 standard (blue and black label).  Air Jackets may also be work over your back protector – optional
  • Boots – see above
  • Gloves
  • WPC Cross-country Base Layer should be worn for all cross country training and for Pony Club competitions
  • Jodhpurs – see above
  • Hair – as above
  • Chaps – optional


  • Tack – Clean, well-fitting tack on a well groomed Pony.  Please ensure all your stitching is in good order on your bridle and saddle, but particularly on reins, girths, girth straps and stirrup leathers.
What to wear for Efficiency Tests and competitions (D+ Test and higher)


  • Hard Hat – Your hat must adhere to the Pony Club hat standards for the year in which you are riding.  All hats must be checked and tagged by the DC.
    • Hats must be worn at all times when mounted, with chinstraps fastened.
    • Hat Silks – may be black or dark blue.
  • White Shirt and Pony Club tie/stock.
  • Jacket – with Pony Club badge and felt to indicate the last test taken on the left hand lapel.
  • Jodhpurs (or breeches) preferably light-coloured.
  • Jodhpur boots & Chaps or long riding boots
  • Gloves
  • Hair – should be tidy.  Long hair should be tied back and plaited/in a bun and we recommend you also wear a Hair Net
  • Optional – body protectors are recommended but not essential for working rallies (see Cross Country Rally Section for standards)
  • Optional – Whip may be carried. Spurs may only be worn at the discretion of your instructor

NOTE: If the weather is wet or cold, extra clothes, warm waterproof coats or similar may also be worn   – we want you to be safe, warm and dry!


  • Plaiting – you do not have to plait, but you will get more marks for your turnout if you do.
  • (but not so many marks if your mum or a friend has done it for you!)
  • Tack – Clean, well-fitting tack on a well groomed Pony



We hope this will enable you to come to rallies correctly dressed on clean smart ponies.

Please remember, your Instructors will always be very happy to answer any of your questions or advise you on any of the matters mentioned here.