Area 16 Branches and Centres

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Where is Area 16?

Our area 16 covers Cornwall and  the Western half of Devon.

There are many branches and centres to choose from (see list [below).


In Area 16 there are opportunities for all young people to be in the Pony Club.
Branches are mainly most suitable for those who own or have access to a pony – although non riding membership is also popular especially for those interested in Triathlons.
Centres are normally based at riding schools and so are great for those who don’t own a pony and for those who own a pony but don’t have transport.
Below is a list but if you wish to find out which branches or centres are nearest to you then please use the Branch/Centre Finder

You don’t have to have your own pony to join; you can simply join one of our linked riding schools known as Centres where you can do your Pony Club activities.  You can also keep your horse at a Centre. If you have access to a horse or pony, by ownership or loan, and have the means to transport it to and from rallies and events then you can join a branch as a riding member or without a pony as a non-riding member.

Our Area

Area 16 includes branches and centres. Below is a list but if you wish to find out which branches or centres are nearest to you then please use the Branch/Centre Finder

Branches & Centres

Hunterswood Riding & Livery Stables Centre

La Rocco Bradworthy Centre

Poldice Centre