News | 7 March 2024

Tetrathlon News


OSB Tetrathlon 2nd and 3rd March 2024:

A sunny but rather chilly Sunday saw Jacob , Florence, Poppy and Zoe up in Grantham for the Triathlon Final.
All had done extremely well to qualify and experience a big competition against all of the very best athletes from around the UK.

First up for the Junior run was Jacob who really went for it with a superb run in 5m 41s on the track .
Poppy also put in lots of effort for her least favourite discipline followed by Flo who left the rest of her heat for dust with a great sub 6 minute time.

Next up for the juniors was the swim ,where both Poppy & Flo managed PBs . Jacob also had a good competitive performance.

Meanwhile, Zoe was starting in the mini class with the shoot, putting in a fabulous 840 score in her first championship competition. She also had a good run and decent swim showing great promise for future competitions.

The juniors finished with their shoot where Jacob shot a solid 800 and Poppy scored a fantastic 940 . Florence was a little disappointed with her 680 but this is the phase that she finds most challenging, just got to keep practicing!

All in all , a great experience and everyone deserves a massive pat on the back ( including parents !) although not in the placings this time, some lovely memories to take home.