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Cotley’s Triathlon, Tetrathlon and Biathlon Team Manager is Roland Thompson









Triathlon training every Wednesday evening at 6pm. Sessions will start with shooting and as it get’s lighter, we’ll add running practice and then swim practice when warmer. Hope to see as many as possible. Sessions will cost £3 for just shooting and £5 if running and swimming as well. Shooting for 8yr olds and above. Younger ones can train on beanbag throwing (this is done in comps as an alternative to shooting). Venue, Hares Farm, Yarcombe

Full details Roland Thompson


Entries have to be made by the team manager, so if you want to enter a competition please contact Roland

Don’t leave entering to the last minute: entries typically close a week or so beforehand but try to be earlier than that.

ENTRIES can only be made via the team manager – not directly to the organising club. Generally entries close approx 7 – 10 days before a competition date, so you need to be contacting Marie 2-3 weeks before, due to the huge task of co-ordinating times for these events – it is not possible to submit late entries.

PLEASE NOTE your entry has to be accompanied by your entry fee – whether you subsequently take part or not!!

TIMES: times are usually emailed out by Suzie a couple of days before the competition.


AIM to encourage interest in riding by combining with other activities, thereby retaining interest in Pony Club.

PERSONAL AIM to amass as many points as possible over the different activities.

TRIATHLONS usually consist of Running, Shooting and Swimming. Add Riding for a TETRATHLON!! BIATHLONS are for children under the age of 8 and consist of Running and Swimming

RULES are quite complex!! But the main points are set out below.  Please contact Suzie for a copy of the current rulebook for more details.


Minis      8-11

Juniors   12-14

Open    15 +

There is also a Novice section, which is primarily to bridge gap between Junior and Open

ENTRIES. All compete as individuals, also each pony club can form teams of 3 or 4 competitors in an age groups.  If there is not enough from our branch to submit a team, organising branches often amalgamate members to make up mixed teams, within an age group.  The 3 highest scores from each team count towards team prizes.

PRIZES usually individual, teams and best of each phase are awarded, per age group.


SHOOTING. Air pistols shot at standard pony club targets.  5 practice shots, followed by 10 competition shots.  Maximum 1000 points

  • Minis: 2 handed 7 metres from target (may be static or turning).
  • Juniors: Single handed 7 metres from target (turning, 4secs per shot)
  • Novice & Open: Single handed  10 metres (turning, 4secs per shot
RUNNING. Over a marked course, usually all grass. Distances as follows

  • Minis (boys & girls) 1000 metres
  • Junior/Novice (boys & girls) & Open girls: 1500 metres
  • Open Boys: 3000 metres
SWIMMING. Each competitor has a lane of a 25m pool (usually), The object is to swim as far as possible in the time allowed for your age group.  Any swimming style can be used, you do not need to dive start or tumble turn if you don’t want to!!  You can even stop and re-start from the same point if you wish!!

  • Minis: 2 minutes
  • Junior/Novice boys & girls, and Open girls: 3 minutes
  • Open Boys: 4 minutes
RIDING Over a Cross Country course, much like a normal Hunter Trial but usually with both a slip rail (negotiated by dismounting) and a gate (mounted).  For Juniors plus, the course is also given an optimum time.  For a clear round within any time allowed will amass a maximum of 1400 points. Below is list of the maximum height of fences per section, but very often (especially for minis) the courses are more lenient.

  • Minis: 76cm (2’6″)
  • Juniors: 91cm (3’0″)
  • Open: 110cm (3’7″)

NB You don’t have to be a brilliant athlete to take part in this very enjoyable Pony Club event.  It really is lots of fun and you get to know Pony Club members from other Branches and Centres.

GO ON – GIVE IT A GO !!!!!!!