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The Craven have a thriving Tetrathlon team. It’s a lot of fun and you don’t have to be a brilliant athlete to take part in this very enjoyable Pony Club event. There is always a great atmosphere and support network at competitions within our own club and also with other branches. If you have any queries at all please do get in touch craven@pcuk.org Below is an overview of what the sport involves.

Tetrathlon: consists of shooting, swimming, running and riding usually over a cross country course which include a slip rail and gate. Occasionally during the spring and autumn months the ride phase is over an arena eventing course. Competitions are normally run from April to October, and sometimes over two days.

Triathlon: consists of shooting, running and swimming, normally run during the winter months.

There are 5 age categories. Ages are taken on the 1st January in the current calendar year

Beanies – For members aged 7 and under (No shooting – instead beanbags are thrown at a target)

Tadpoles: For members aged 9 and under

Minimus: For members aged 11 and under

Junior: For members aged 14 and under

Intermediate  / Senior: For members aged 25 and under



We use air pistols and shoot at a standard pony club target. At competitions you have 5 practice shots followed by 10 competition shots with a maximum score of1000 points.  Competitors must have attended training and be signed off as competent by our instructor before competing. Training takes place on a Tuesday evening throughout the year.  You don’t need your own gun. Craven have several pistols that are used by members. You have to be 8 years old to shoot in competitions.

Tadpole: two hands, 7m from the target (static – the target does not move)

Minimus: two hands, 7m from the target  (turning – 4 seconds for each shot)

Juniors : single handed, 7m from target (turning – 4 seconds for each shot)

Senior : Single handed, 10m from target (turning – 4 secondss per shot)


The object is to swim as far as possible in the time allowed.  Competitors can use any stroke.

New diving rules have been brought in at some venues and members require certification to prove they have been assessed as competent to dive.

Beanies, Tadpoles and Minimus : 2 minutes.

Juniors and Open Girls : 3 minutes.

Open Boys : 4minutes




Competitors run either as a group or individually.

Distances as follows:

Beanies: 500m

Tadpoles and Minimus: 1000m

Junior: 1500m

Senior Intermediate girls: 1500m

Senior Intermediate boys: 2000m

Senior Open girls: 1500m

Senior Open boys : 3000m


The riding is over a flagged cross-country course, similar to a hunter trial but including a gate, which has to be opened and closed while mounted, and a slip rail which must be negotiated by dismounting. Minimus classes and below are not timed, but for Juniors and above there is an optimum time. If this is exceeded then time penalties will be given. The gate and slip rail obstacles each have a maximum time allowed in all classes. A clear round will gain a maximum 1400 points.

Heights as follows:

Beanies: 40cm

Tadpoles: 60cm

Minimus: 80cm

Juniors : 90cm

Intermediate: 1m

Open : 1.05m