Musical Ride

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Head of Musical Ride – Susan Goodridge 07765 327126
Assistant to Head of Musical Ride – Liz Pugh 07950 640655

Rallies & Training

We run regular taster sessions and rallies open to all members throughout the year. We also hold team auditions and regular weekly training throughout numerous months of year with specific competitions or displays in mind.

All upcoming dates and details for each rally are published on Entrymaster and can be found on the Calendar page. Entries typically close a week before the rally and group times are sent by text two days before the rally. Contact Pennie for further enquiries.


Competitions and Display Team Opportunities

There are many opportunities to perform and compete with the musical ride team.

Musical Ride News

See the news page for all musical ride related news and updates. You can filter by the “musical ride” tag to see all news and updates relevant to musical ride.

Useful Information & Resources

Rule Book:

The most up-to-date version of the Pony Club rulebooks for this year can be found here:

Current Pony Club Rulebooks


Feedback & Queries

We are always keen to hear your feedback – please do get in touch if you have any questions or feedback. Details of our current mounted games contacts are at the top of the page.

If you would be willing and able to volunteer at any rallies, occasions or events, we would love to hear from you.