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Our branch field is in Knebworth, which is hacking distance for local members, although many travel from a much wider area.  Events are held at our field throughout the summer including games, show jumping and dressage training, a members’ show, open evening competitions and regular clinics.

In the Winter we use a variety of venues including Chesfield, Warrenwood, Keysoe, and Shuttleworth College.

East Hertfordshire Hunt encourages all its members to take part in as many activities as they can.  We field regular teams at local and area level in Show Jumping, Tetrathlon, Mounted Games, Eventing, Dressage and Prix Caprilli. (Read our news page to see what our members get up to.)

We run two Summer Camps each year during the Summer holidays. Our extremely popular mini-camp caters for all those under 11 (or new riders) and then we also run a Senior camp, too which members from 11- 23 all love to attend.

We try to be a friendly, welcoming branch and aim to cater for all ages and abilities.  Over the years we have had our successes in all the Pony Club competitions with members qualifying for the National Championships, but we aim to give equal help and attention to all.


A short history

It was in 1931 that this branch was set up around Knebworth – very much East Hertfordshire’s country. In a letter of May 10, 1931 to The Pony Club office the Hon Mrs Frances Greaves of Bulls Green, Knebworth said she was, “Anxious to start a Pony Club here”. As was the custom then she was asked to get in permission of the local master of foxhounds.

On May 29, 1931 WH Cooper of Felden Lodge, Hemel Hempstead – the joint master of Hertfordshire Hunt (South) – wrote to The Pony Club office that he was, “Very glad to give you the necessary official permission to start a Pony Club in Knebworth district”.

The records are sketchy but presumably Mrs Greaves was the first district commissioner. The next mention we have is in 1936. Mrs Part of Houghton Regis, Dunstable, who must then have been in charge of the branch because she asked for the branch to be split in two. Mrs Dewer of Stagenhoe, near Hitchin, became district commissioner of South Hertfordshire branch and Mrs R Gibbs of Little Gaddesden, Berkhamstead, took charge of North Hertfordshire.

During the 1939-1940 war these branches amalgamated but in 1945 Mrs Cory Wright – of Cory Wright Way, Wheathamstead fame – became DC of South Hertfordshire and four years later Mrs Ruth Holoden of Flamsteadbury, Redbourn took over.

The records then jump to 1964 when the redoubtable Grizelda Block as district commissioner asked for the Hertfordshire Hunt branch to be split and proposed Mrs Patti Clarkson as DC. Mrs Block’s letter says, “Geographically they should be Hertfordshire East branch”. “Numbers”, she continued, “of the branch as a whole is 180 of which 60 are in the proposed new part”.

Mrs Patti Clarkson was DC up until 1971 when Daphne Holder, of Bibbsworth Hall Farm, near Kimpton, took over for three years. In 1974 Mrs Valerie Dickinson, of Cross Farm, Harpenden, took charge and Mrs Lynda Green, of Codicote, in 1976. In 1979 Mrs Margaret Griffith and myself, followed by Mrs Sue Bulmer of Harpenden in 1984. Mrs Judy Jones took over as DC in 1986.


Mrs Patti Clarkson was DC up until 1971 when Daphne Holder, of Bibbsworth Hall Farm, near Kimpton, took over for three years. In 1974 Mrs Valerie Dickinson, of Cross Farm, Harpenden, took charge and Mrs Lynda Green, of Codicote, in 1976. In 1979 Mrs Margaret Griffith and Mr Michael Auld, followed by Mrs Sue Bulmer of Harpenden in 1984. Mrs Judy Jones took over as DC in 1986.

In 1988 Mrs Janet Good became district commissioner. She was DC until 2018, when Mrs Trish Griffiths took over the reins!

Over the years there are many that have been associated with the branch. The past district commissioner Mrs Valerie Dickinson’s late husband Robert, who farmed at Cross Farm, Harpenden, was one of the original members of the branch way back in 1931. There is also Mrs Janet Hosforth who was associated with the branch for well over 25 years. She originally assisted Mrs Patti Clarkson in the early 1960’s with instruction and then as a committee member specialising in mounted games as well as instruction. Mrs Margaret Auld, a Pony Club A test pass, who when she came to England from Aberdeen in 1971 helped the branch with instruction and then became Mrs Dickinson’s branch secretary in 1974. She has instructed, been the branch secretary, organised camp for very many years and is still involved with the branch today.


Role call of DC’s

  • Mrs Trish Griffiths – October 2018 –
  • Mrs Janet Good – 1988 – Sep 2018
  • Mrs Judy Jones – 1986 – 1988
  • Mrs Sue Bulmer – 1984 – 1986
  • Mrs Margaret Griffith / Mr Michael Auld 1979 – 1984
  • Mrs Lynda Green – 1976 – 1979
  • Mrs Valerie Dickinson – 1974 – 1976
  • Mrs Daphne Holder – 1971 – 1974
  • Mrs Patti Clarkson – 1964 – 1971