Parents and Volunteers

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The Role of Parents / Guardians

Parents play a vital role in their child’s Pony Club journey – from supporting and guiding their progress, to volunteering at local events. The following guidelines should be followed by parents/guardians:

  • be a positive role model for your child and other members
  • respect coaches, officials, volunteers, members and other parents
  • remember that the main aim of The Pony Club is to teach fairness over competitiveness
  • teach members to show sportsmanship, teamwork and supportiveness
  • use appropriate conduct at all times, including on social media channels
  • promote the wellbeing of members and their ponies ahead of winning

The role of parents / guardians is outlined here on the Pony Club website, where it is also possible to view and download the Code of Conduct for Members and the Code of Conduct for Parents & Guardians


The Pony Club is incredibly fortunate to be able to call upon thousands of volunteers across our Branches and Centres throughout the UK – without their help we would not be able to provide young riders with such fantastic opportunities!

At Essex Farmers Pony Club, we know that people are very busy so any help that can be offered, no matter how large or small, is always appreciated.  If you’d like to get involved with volunteering there are a wide variety of roles available, from helping at rallies or camps, setting up equipment, updating the website – you don’t have to be horsey to get involved!

We also share requests for help via the EFPC Whatsapp Group.  Please do look out for these messages and do not ignore them as it’s impossible for the committee to set up, run and clear up after all the activities and events without your help. For many of the jobs, no experience is needed, and you will always be fully briefed.

Please contact one of our committee members if you would like to volunteer.

We look forward to meeting you

Above all Pony Club should be fun and run for our members. We aim is to ensure that everyone learns and progresses at their individual level, without pressure and that they make lots of great memories on the way. Parents are such an important part of our club and your support and help is invaluable. if you have and questions or want advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us.