Efficiency Tests and Achievement Badges

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The Pony Club Training structure encourages members to take tests which enable them to learn progressively about horse and pony care and riding. The tests are taken at recommended ages and are designed with certain objectives in mind.  All details about the tests can be found in the Pony Club Tests area of the Resource Hub on the Pony Club website (you will need to log in with your Pony Club Membership Number and Branch Name).

When a member has passed a test, they will be awarded a coloured test felt to wear under their Pony Club badge on their tweed jacket.

Here at Essex Farmers, members usually take their E, D and D+ tests at Junior & Mini Camp during the summer.

Road Rider, C and C+ tests are also organised within Essex Farmers – please contact the committee if you would like to take one of these tests.

B, B+, Lungeing and AH tests are organised by our Area Representative – please let our District Commissioners know that you would like to take these tests and they can assist in organising.

A tests are booked centrally via the Pony Club Office.  Please let our District Commissioners know that you would like to take this test and they can assist in organising.

Achievement Badges

There are also many achievement badges that our members can be awarded. The full lists of these can be found in the Badge Syllabus area on the Resource Hub.  Members work towards these badges in both our mounted and unmounted rallies.