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For 2024, Senior Camp will be held from Sunday 28th July to Saturday 3rd August.  Booking is now open via our Entrymaster system, with options to pay in installments.  Closing date for booking is 16th July.

There are 6 nights of camping and 5 days of instruction from our amazing camp instructors, with a competition day and a presentation to parents and carers on the final Saturday to parents.  Most importantly there are evenings of fun and games with fellow EFPC members followed by the final night party.  The theme of Senior Camp 2024 is The Wild West!

EFPC members can attend Senior Camp from school year 6 up to 21 years old.  Member wishing to attend Senior Camp must hold a current membership and attend three rallies in the current year including two rallies on the horse or pony they are intending to take to camp.

Full details can be found in the Senior Camp 2024 Invite Letter.

We will be holding a pre camp meeting at 6pm on Thursday 4th July 2024 at Butterfields Farm, Latchingdon.  It is important to attend this meeting where possible so that we can answer any questions that campers or parents/carers may have, complete medical forms, etc.